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Re: [fltk.coredev] [OT] github access for developers

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Re: [OT] github access for developers Albrecht Schlosser Nov 17, 2021  
On 11/17/21 1:11 PM duncan wrote:
The short question:
How do you now access your fltk forks at https://github.com/username/fltk ?
Specifically, what is your preferred method of two factor authentification, etc ?

The short answer: I'm using 2FA with FreeOTP (Android app) for login to GitHub and ssh access for `git push`.

Albrecht just accepted a pending pull request of mine relating to documentation
so I thought I would tidy up my local git repository and my fork on github to remove
the obsolete branch. I originally set up github access via https but now I get:

$ git remote -v
upstream  https://github.com/fltk/fltk.git (fetch/push)

$ git pull upstream master

$ git push origin master
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead
fatal: Authentication failed ...

If they still tell you to use a personal access token then you can go to your account setup and create such a personal access token. This is IMHO nothing but a long password and you should be able to use it instead of a password with https:... But I'm not using this anymore because I'm using ssh with public/private key authentication.

So my question, which method do you use, and which authentication tools/apps, if any?

As said above, I'm using FreeOTP for the second factor, but there are lots of tools that let you generate a time based (6 figure) access token. Google authenticator is (IIRC) one of them.

I've been through the link several times but can't work out which is the best way to go
especially as I've seen elsewhere that the recovery codes can be superseded in some
cases which means you can be locked out.

Hmm, I'm not aware of cases when the recovery codes can be superseded by any means other than using them or creating new ones. I saved mine and hope this doesn't happen. I believe (but I'm not sure) that you can also leave your phone number for a callback or SMS code or some such.

My experience with GitHub docs is that you turn in circles if you want to read the "whole" docs about a topic. Unfortunately.

If you ever set up ssh access with a public/private key the ssh setup docs are more or less straight-forward, particularly if you're doing this on a Linux system like me. If you have only Windows and never did it yourself before this might be a little harder.

Anyway, my recommendation is ssh with public/private key for `git push` and 2FA with OTP (FreeOTP) for one time tokens (which is different from that "personal access token" you can use for https access).



P.S. Does this also need to be updated in the GIT for FLTK developers article?

I wrote "GitHub has lots of information (help pages) regarding this and I don't want to duplicate this information. Please follow the links below..."

It's not my lazyness but I believe that nobody can describe this better than the GitHub folks themselves.

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