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Re: [fltk.coredev] Towards a Wayland platform for the FLTK library ?

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Re: Towards a Wayland platform for the FLTK library ? Albrecht Schlosser Jun 07, 2021  
On 6/7/21 10:01 PM Bill Spitzak wrote:
I think there is some mistakes in current FLTK, in particular the "Driver" api, which uses virtual functions for no reason whatsoever as the called code is chosen at compile time, and as seen here the design makes it really difficult to share code. Would prefer to use #if statements like they are supposed to. I don't consider the current design readable or maintainable. I may be missing some function of Driver where more than one can be used, please correct me if I am wrong.

It's true that the selection of the standard display and system driver is done at library build time. However, the driver design was chosen to get rid of the unmaintainable #ifdef stuff. Currently there should only be #if statements to differentiate compilers and/or options (for instance Xft vs Pango, VS (MSVC) vs. GNU, etc.). You can really use more than one graphics driver (although still only one at a time) for printing (Fl_Printer), copying to the clipboard (Fl_Copy_Surface), Fl_PostScript (files) and Fl_Offscreen. This is all done by changing the driver(s) on the fly. I'm using this in some applications. For an example see test/device.cxx (the code may be historically grown and not as clean as possible but it shows the options).

Regarding the driver selection at build time: I would also like to see an option to combine two or more "platforms" in one executable program, i.e. in one FLTK library. The idea is to decide at program startup which "driver" we want to use, for instance X11 for remote display, macOS native display driver, or (in the future) Wayland or Cairo. An environment variable or commandline switch would then decide at program startup which device/driver to use on platforms that allow different connections. This should not be difficult to achieve...

The "Device" is somewhat useful as it allows you to draw widgets in GL windows. I think there is also an attempt to allow it to print, though I am unclear if it is actually possible to use it for that and if anybody has done so. I still feel the number of virtual functions on it is excessive.

Yes, it is used for printing and even more stuff (see above). And it works pretty well. A recent extension is to "draw" to an Fl_SVG_Surface which eventually outputs real SVG files.

The number of virtual functions may be excessive in some parts (it's the '.0' version), I'm sure there's room for improvement.

It sounds like Cairo is nowhere near as slow as others have claimed. It would be great to get a real working implementation that can be used both by this and X11.

... which may be a logical step when the Wayland platform is done as Manolo wrote already. Experience with Wayland is a good first step (let's do one step after the other) before we go to the next (Cairo) device. I could also have imagined to create a Cairo driver on X11 first, before Wayland, but now Wayland won.

I think all transformations have to be done by the calling code, as there is a need to adjust all paths for fill and stroke to remove antialiasing on horizontal and vertical lines, and allow 1-pixel lines to be usable. This indicates to me that transforms at least can be removed from the Device virtual functions.

I'm not sure what this means.

Read through the libdecor code and it appears to be drawing everything directly. There is a "plugin", perhaps with the intention that the style of the window borders can change by changing the plugin, but I don't agree with this as the api to the plugin is going to swiftly grow to a baroque monstrosity, just like every other attempt to control the borders.

ISTR that the "plugin" is really for defining other border and decoration styles. I think I read about this in the README files of libdecor in connection with setting up the demo program or something like that.

There was a good reason Wayland wanted CSD.

What is CSD? Client Server XXX ???

I personally do not see any problem with drawing the window borders ourselves, any complaint that they look different is IMHO not logical if the difference in appearance of every other widget is considered acceptable. Also not using this library will mean a single Wayland surface can be used, instead of two.

I agree that this would be logical. I can't speak for Manolo but I think using a library was considered easier than writing everything from scratch. Would your (Bill's) old flwm code be helpful in doing window decorations and stuff? Should be take a look at it? It's still available somewhere...

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