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Re: [fltk.coredev] Towards a Wayland platform for the FLTK library ?

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Re: Towards a Wayland platform for the FLTK library ? Manolo Jun 06, 2021  

Le dimanche 6 juin 2021 à 21:03:01 UTC+2, Albrecht Schlosser a écrit :
I'll try that ASAP, but likely not tomorrow because I need to do some
other stuff.
I'm looking forward to your feedback.

Regarding the code changes: WOW, that's a lot of code!
Yes. Everything related to windows, drawing, events, keyboard, pointers, cursors
requires complete rewriting.

The following is just for my curiosity:

I'm seeing also that much code has been copied which might not be needed
due to the driver structure. What are your plans, will you do a mass
cleanup when the Wayland code is (almost) finished? I'm asking because
I'm concerned about duplicated code. One example seems to be timer
related code which could be reused rather than duplicated etc. etc.. I
take it that you first copied the entire driver code and are now working
on fleshing out the needed changes and what doesn't need to be changed.
Is that about correct?
Yes. I've focused till now on building a running platform. Shared code
between X11 and Wayland platforms could be put in an Fl_Linux_System_Driver
from which Fl_Wayland_System_Driver and Fl_X11_System_Driver could derive.

Interesting. I see that you added the library to the FLTK repo. Are
there plans to (finally) bundle it or would we take it as a prerequisite
to be installed by developers? Generally I'd prefer the latter, but I
don't know how well it is supported by (Linux) distros. Can you share
your thoughts about this?
libdecor is only at version 0.1 now, so it's not yet in Debian Linux distros.
That's why I propose to bundle it in FLTK as we do with libz, libpng, libjpeg and nanosvg.
Its author, Jonas Ådahl, is also one of the two maintainers of the xdg-shell stable
Wayland protocol in charge of creating Wayland desktop windows
(see https://github.com/wayland-project/wayland-protocols/tree/main/stable/xdg-shell).
Thus, libdecor is apparently code from the heart of the Wayland project.

Alternatively, if another library is available to decorate FLTK Wayland windows, I'm ready
to examine it. My first concern was that libdecor's license should be compatible with FLTK's.

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