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Re: [fltk.coredev] Vote about using antialiased lines and curves on the Windows platform

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Re: Vote about using antialiased lines and curves on the Windows platform Gonzalo Garramuño May 17, 2021  

El 17/5/21 a las 12:39, Bill Spitzak escribió:
Despite the same less-than-steller performance, the X11 version should also be changed to Cairo, unless somebody has a better idea about how to make antialiased lines. Cairo version needs some messing with to produce "hinting" which is basically to move lines and shapes so they don't produce unwanted blur, Cairo by itself is very insistent on exact reproduction of the filtered image.

On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 12:54 AM Manolo <manolo.gouy@gmail.com> wrote:

Please vote about having the Windows FLTK platform draw oblique lines,
curves and all complex shapes in antialiased form.

As Ian has reported, drawing with GDI+ is slightly slower than with GDI.
GDI+ is supported from Windows XP and up. When GDI+ isn't available, the modified
code falls back to GDI. Thus FLTK remains compatible with Windows 95.

Both configure-based and CMake-based builds are taken care of.

My vote is +1

TIA - Manolo

My vote is +1 for an OPT IN option in cmake/configure.  And -1 for a default option.  Both for GDI+ and Cairo.  In both cases the performance of my program would suffer otherwise.

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