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Re: [fltk.coredev] Release FLTK 1.3.6 -- [General Use]

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Re: Release FLTK 1.3.6 -- [General Use] Albrecht Schlosser Apr 29, 2021  
On 4/29/21 7:17 PM Rob McDonald wrote:

    What this means is: IF you are using the NO_MODULE (or CONFIG)
    THEN you don't need to take care of all "FLTK_LIBRARIES" because they
    will be included by the named target, which are (unfortunately) named
    only in a sentence at the end of the instructions. These targets are:

    fltk, fltk_gl, fltk_images, fltk_forms, and fluid


This may have been obvious to everyone else, but it just hit me like a ton of bricks...

With CONFIG mode -- there are more changes that I am expected to make throughout my CMake stuff....

I was under the impression that changing to CONFIG mode changed the way FLTK was discovered and any settings used while building FLTK were discovered -- but that all the variables were set the same and the library would be used in exactly the same way by the application.

Rob, what you describe is how it *should* work, that's correct. And I agree with you that this should be achieved.

But what I described is how it *actually* works because the CMake config files created by FLTK just do it this way at this time. This is how the CMake support files have been created (rewritten) when FLTK 1.3 was developed. I didn't know much about CMake at that time, someone else wrote these CMake files and this is what we have now. It's great as it is, but I also see deficiencies.

Meanwhile I took over the (FLTK CMake) maintenance and I'm learning more and more what to do and how to do it. I know that the current CMake support of FLTK is somewhere in the middle between "old" and "modern" CMake.

To get that right I need more time. Since we always said that CMake support in 1.3 is not yet production ready, that's all we can provide now and what you can get. In FLTK 1.4 I'm striving to make the CMake support complete and easy to use, but this is still much work.

My goal is to have the users (consumers) choose which kind of find_package() /output/ they use, either the old style with variables or the new style with targets. The new config mode *should* also be backwards compatible so projects like yours that use the "old cmake" approach with variables can work as they did and that users expecting "new style" (aka modern CMake) targets can work as well. And the old FindFLTK.cmake should be modernized so it can be used by "old" projects and also compatible with "new" projects.

This means working at two ends:

(a) update FLTKConfig.cmake to provide targets *and* old style variables (the latter is just not (yet) implemented)

(b) update CMake's FindFLTK.cmake (or provide one for consumers) that sets the variables as expected (old style) but also provides usable targets (new style). The "new" convention would be "namespaced" target names like fltk::fltk and fltk::fltk_gl, but that's something I need to investigate further.

I hope this clarifies why your expectations can't be met *today* by the current status of FLTK's CMake support. I don't say that your expectations are wrong - it's just that all this is not yet production ready. But I hope this all will be as expected in the future.

That all said, I appreciate the discussions and your input very much because I learned a lot about user (consumer) expectations and why our current approach does not work as expected and needs to be improved. Thank you very much!

I'll continue working on this...

One final recommendation: for the time being, leave your approach as-is.

The CONFIG mode is not yet ready for you. Our README.CMake.txt is usable and works well for developers that build FLTK themselves and can adjust their projects accordingly but not yet ready for your usage that requirements to find FLTK even on a system with FLTK installed by the distro.

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