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Re: [fltk.coredev] Release FLTK 1.3.6 -- [General Use]

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Re: Release FLTK 1.3.6 -- [General Use] Rob McDonald Apr 29, 2021  

What this means is: IF you are using the NO_MODULE (or CONFIG) approach,
THEN you don't need to take care of all "FLTK_LIBRARIES" because they
will be included by the named target, which are (unfortunately) named
only in a sentence at the end of the instructions. These targets are:

fltk, fltk_gl, fltk_images, fltk_forms, and fluid

I know your situation where you /need/ to use the "old" FindFLTK.cmake
in some cases (particularly if the installed FLTK libs were not built
with CMake) and you /may/ use the "new" CONFIG mode if the FLTK libs
were built with CMake. Unfortunately I don't have a solution for this
dilemma yet, but I hope that a future FindFLTK.cmake can resolve this issue.

(As written before, you may want to use CONFIG mode first to see if you
can find FLTK and MODULE mode if not, but that has other drawbacks.)

This may have been obvious to everyone else, but it just hit me like a ton of bricks...

With CONFIG mode -- there are more changes that I am expected to make throughout my CMake stuff....

I was under the impression that changing to CONFIG mode changed the way FLTK was discovered and any settings used while building FLTK were discovered -- but that all the variables were set the same and the library would be used in exactly the same way by the application.

It now seems that I not only need to add the word CONFIG - but I also need to go through and excise the use of FLTK_LIBRARIES and whatnot and instead switch to the target names.

If this checks out, I can give it a go (still have problems with platforms built with ./configure), but it certainly isn't the way I was trying to do things.
BTW: I think from the line above you only really need "-framework Cocoa".

That may be -- but it seems harmless.  Part of the point of using the CMake find_package stuff is that as a user, you hopefully don't have to pay close attention to what gets returned in the variables.  Somehow whatever is needed for whatever platform and compiler should be returned...  So, if something extra or wrong is being returned, I suspect it is another issue with the CMake scripts.


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