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Re: [fltk.coredev] Restore CMake build w/ OPTION_USE_PANGO on macOS

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Re: Restore CMake build w/ OPTION_USE_PANGO on macOS Manolo Feb 19, 2021  

On Friday, February 19, 2021 at 11:07:17 AM UTC+1 Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
On 2/19/21 10:02 AM Manolo wrote:
> Under macOS, CMake-based build with OPTION_USE_PANGO (and
> OPTION_APPLE_X11) turned on fails because variables such as
> HAVE_LIB_PANGO and HAVE_LIB_PANGOCAIRO remain undefined.
> That results from recent changes in CMake-related files.

Can you tell me which exact changes? Commits (hashes)?
I will search that information I don't have at this point yet.

> I propose the attached small patch to fix that. It adds more paths
> where to search for pango libs, necessary under macOS, but that
> shouldn't do harm on other backgrounds.
> Albrecht: can you validate this proposal, please?

I'll take a look into it but I need a little help from you so I can test
this myself.

That's not strictly necessary but I'd really like to be able to build
with X11 on my own new MacBook (M1).

Can you tell me what I need to install to build with X11 and Pango on
macOS? Note that I'm a complete noob on macOS.

So far I installed:

(1) the "Xcode (?) command line tools". When I entered 'git' I got a
popup that I needed to install the command line tools and I answered
"yes" / confirmed.
That's good.

Update: later I installed a system update (Big Sur 11.2.1) and the
command line tools were "gone". I had to reinstall. Is this normal?
Yes it is normal.

(2) CMake: I downloaded the .dmg file from CMake and "installed" it into
the Applications folder.
That's what I use too, as I like to use the GUI mode.

With this config I could build FLTK and all the demos (default: ARM).
Then I changed the CMake option to build universal apps and built again:
bingo, universal apps created.
We knew already from another user that FLTK builds and runs well on M1.
What I still ignore is whether x86_64 FLTK-based apps run on the M1, through Rosetta.

I did not yet install Xcode, homebrew, or any other tools. I'd like to
have a complete build environment for FLTK so I can test my
modifications, particularly CMake but also configure / autoconf (missing
now), X11 etc.

Should I install homebrew? (How?)
I'm not a homebrew user. I use Fink instead
because I liked its choice to put everything in a specific part of the file system
isolated from macOS. That used to be /sw and has been changed to /opt/sw more recently.
There's a problem now: Fink does not support macOS 11 yet. So you can't install it (I tried).
However, my version inherited from macOS 10.15 works well with 11.x. So I still use it.
I can share it.

My use of Fink explains why CMake files prepared for Linux need change: CMake command
    find_library(HAVE_LIB_PANGO pango-1.0 ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} )
doesn't find the pango lib because it's not in CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH which doesn't include /opt/sw/lib.
The modified CMake command
works for a user of Fink without hardcoded /opt/sw string.

Anyway, that situation reflects the fact there's not a single source of packaged software
for macOS, and FLTK should be able to support several setups, if possible.

How do I install autoconf?
Normally, you would get it via Fink. In the absence of that, download M4
Then do
make install
once for m4 and once for autoconf,.

Then you need to install Xquartz from https://www.xquartz.org/
This will put an app called XQuartz in /Applications/Utilities/ that will be your X server.
XQuartz automagically starts when an X11-based app is started.

At that point you should have enough to do that in FLTK:
autoconf -f
./configure --enable-x11
and obtain working X11-based FLTK test apps, provided /usr/local/bin is in your path.

I'll see what is possible for pango. I got it via Fink.

What else should I install and how do I do this, what do you recommend?

All help would be very much appreciated. TIA.
Don't hesitate to ask.

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