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Re: [fltk.coredev] CMake: add 'examples' to build [was: Something in progress? (table examples broken on Linux)]

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Re: CMake: add 'examples' to build [was: Something in progress? (table examples broken on Linux)] Greg Ercolano Aug 14, 2020  
Just following up on the other things I forgot to reply to:

On 2020-08-14 17:15, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
> but think about it: where did you find the Windows DLL's 
> and the shared libs and static libs? Was this really (well) documented? 

	Yep, that was confusing. And for a while there the names were
	not the same as unix builds. I remember having to have special
	commands in my own app's Makefile that would rename them.

> The new strategy is to create build (output) files in exactly two 
> directories (maybe with subdirs):
>     lib - all libs, static and dynamic

	..sounds good to me.

> bin - all executable files, particularly fluid and fltk-config, but also 
> all test executables (only fluid and fltk-config will be "installed")

	That sounds like expected behavior, which is good.
	I kinda prefer that to having it in the top level
	directory, actually.

> Basically you only need to remember 'bin' and 'lib'.

	That sounds good; easy!

> The next point is: where are these files installed (with `make install`)?
> bin - executable files (fluid, fltk-config)
> lib - all libs (static and dynamic)

	Right, so when one does a make install, I'd only expect those
	to be installed, and not the test or example programs.

> So, our current build directories are the same as the future *install* 
> directories, and all created files are contained in these two 
> directories. Isn't this better and easier to remember than the old 
> autoconf mess?
> Et ceterum censeo: autoconf delendam esse. ;-)

	LOL, maybe we can make a configure wrapper script that just runs cmake. :P

> I'd really prefer to separate the build (output) dirs from the CMake 
> work dirs to *avoid* confusion.


> Yes, IMHO this is bad, because (a) "mixed with some cmake cruft" is bad 
> for users, and (b) because build systems like Visual Studio and Xcode 
> add their own stuff as well.

	Oh boy, does VS add lots of crap, tis true.

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