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Re: [fltk/fltk] VS2017 warnings when building fltk 1.4.x (58296c373a79) (#109)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] VS2017 warnings when building fltk 1.4.x (58296c373a79) (#109) erco77 Feb 15, 2021  

OK, here's a grab of all the warnings from VS 2017 release mode Win32.. I get 197 warnings in total.
I can also include a build log if needed, but I expect that's the same thing with just a lot of extra/unneeded compiler noise.

We should at /least/ be able to get rid of the warnings about open() vs. _open(), etc. Getting sick of seeing those after all these years. I can see just turning the warnings off, but maybe there's some really weird pathological cases where we need wrappers (e.g. fl_open()..). God I hope not, lol.

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