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Re: [fltk/fltk] VS2017 warnings when building fltk 1.4.x (58296c373a79) (#109)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] VS2017 warnings when building fltk 1.4.x (58296c373a79) (#109) Albrecht Schlosser Feb 15, 2021  

@erco77 Greg, what's the status of this issue? I removed the label "active" but is there any progress, or is it finished? What are we going to do with this? Manolo fixed some warnings recently, mainly related to some GDI / driver stuff. I don't know if it's worth putting the effort into fixing all these MS warnings: fixes tend to make the code not better but uglier because you'd certainly have to add lots of casts.

I have a list of VS warnings I can use to disable these mostly useless warnings so I can see real warnings/errors. I'm using these from time to time when I'm testing and editing code. But that's not really a "solution", I know...

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