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Re: [fltk/fltk] Can't build checkers.cxx on Windows 10 with cmake and gnu c/c++ (#161)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Can't build checkers.cxx on Windows 10 with cmake and gnu c/c++ (#161) ceanwang Nov 23, 2020  

I only interested in running from a DOS window. So far so good, fltk and part of its own test programs could be build out of box. With little tweak, the left over test programs also built. fltk did a very good job. I raise the issue in the hope it could do more. You can tell cmake to generate unix make file, you could also tell it you are on Windows in the CMakefiles.txt. I don't know where it could be achieved, so I can only randomly check where the possible is.
I understand your suggestion, but it is not the way I want to go. If I could run a program in a DOS shell, why should I bothered to installed another shell? The compiler I installed doesn't have a mingw64.exe program, sure I can't find it. I checked the link I posted in early reply, and found out it is different than I remembered. It looks like I don't know how to install it now. The complier I use more is actually from here http://www.equation.com/servlet/equation.cmd?fa=fortran Also no shell provided, just a compiler.

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