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Re: [LOW] STR #2791: Minimum size for tiles in an Fl_Tile

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Re: [LOW] STR #2791: Minimum size for tiles in an Fl_Tile Albrecht Schlosser 06:38 Oct 16  

[STR Pending]

Link:         https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L2791
Version:      1.3-feature
Fix Version:  1.4.0
Assigned To:  AlbrechtS

Robert, thank you very much for posting this proposal, and I apologize for
the long delay of a reply and working on it. I hope you're still watching
this STR.

You wrote "I couldn't figure out how to override position() without
overriding handle()". The main reason was that position() was not virtual.
In our current work (FLTK 1.4, git branch 'master') we renamed this method
to 'move_intersection()' to avoid name clashes (overriding
Fl_Widget::position() was a bad idea).

I fixed the subclassing issues in commit 240ff8432624dc2a [1], took your
code and reduced it to the minimal necessary code for subclassing, and I
posted my work based on your code in GitHub issue #797
(https://github.com/fltk/fltk/issues/797). The comment in
https://github.com/fltk/fltk/issues/797#issuecomment-1764464996 describes
what I did and has a link to my modifications. I also split your code in
tiletest2.cxx in multiple files so it can be put into the FLTK 1.4 tree and
be used directly.

I hope you don't mind if we take your code and add the FLTK copyright
header. In my work I mentioned your name as original author.

Thank you for your good work and documentation in the code (what you did
and why). This made it easy for me to separate the subclassing issues
(fixed) from the new code in 'move_intersection()'.

For further progress please watch the above mentioned GitHub issue. I put
this STR on status 4 (pending) and all further discussions should be done
on the GitHub site - except maybe a short comment here.


Link:         https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L2791

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