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Re: [RFE] STR #3521: Allow shift+scroll for horizontal scrolling

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Re: [RFE] STR #3521: Allow shift+scroll for horizontal scrolling Albrecht Schlosser 08:55 Aug 13  
[STR Closed w/Resolution]

Link:         https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L3521
Version:      1.4-feature
Fix Version:  1.4.0
Git Commit:   847901623a55d69fc8c0c4b7770ec33698402e3a
Assigned To:  AlbrechtS

I committed two changes, one for Linux (X11) and one for Windows:

- commit 8c5c7aa7f43ac3ccbcee3c56629022a9643e2ab9
  Handle shift + mousewheel event on Linux (STR 3521)

- commit 847901623a55d69fc8c0c4b7770ec33698402e3a
  Handle shift + mousewheel event on Windows (STR 3521)

There is no need to change anything on macOS because the OS handles the
shift key and sends the correct events.

I hope that these commits do everything correctly, including the correct
motion direction. If this should not be the case, please open a GitHub

I'm closing this STR now as completed because these commits fix the issue
as reported and discussed although the solution for the new Wayland
platform is not yet available.

Link:         https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L3521

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