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Re: [fltk/fltk] Provide easier instructions for modern CMake (#164)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Provide easier instructions for modern CMake (#164) Albrecht Schlosser Nov 23, 2020  

Normally FetchContent_MakeAvailable would also call add_subdirectory(${fltk_SOURCE_DIR} ${fltk_BUNARY_DIR}) according to the cmake docs. And it does work correctly except for the VS generator.

Thanks for your clarifications and help. However, I don't understand what your statement above is intended to say. What does 'add_subdirectory(..)have to do with thetarget_include_directories(..)` statement where you had the VS-specific comment? Or was there a typo in this text? Puzzled...

[ The point that you need both include directories is that you have two separate header directories in the CMake build and need to include both directories to the header search list in your project to find the header files in both FL/ directories. This has IMHO nothing to do with the way how FetchContent works - it's also necessary w/o FetchContent. ]

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