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Re: [MOD] STR #2639: Fl_Pack resizes hidden widgets, which it doesn't touch when visible.

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Re: [MOD] STR #2639: Fl_Pack resizes hidden widgets, which it doesn't touch when visible. Albrecht Schlosser Jan 20, 2023  

[STR New]

Link: https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L2639
Version: 1.4-feature

Fl_Pack is *very* special WRT its resizing, and particularly resizing
itself around its children and that this is done in its draw() method which
makes it an uncommon widget in the FLTK environment.

The subject (aka "Summary") says: "Fl_Pack resizes hidden widgets, which it
doesn't touch when visible."

That sounds like it a bug, but maybe it's a feature? What position and size
should hidden widgets have? IMHO this sounds like an invalid or at least
undefined usage of Fl_Pack. Hence we might want to document this behavior
as a caveat, and that's it. We could also mention the workaround given in
the original post.

Note that there is meanwhile Fl_Flex which does similar things and can
(IIRC) correctly handle hidden widgets (I would need to check this to be
sure, but I believe it should be able to do this). Maybe this can used to
replace Fl_Pack in the user's project.

OTOH, if the main issue of resizing hidden widgets in unexpected ways could
be resolved by small changes, then I'd be fine with that. Otherwise I'd
suggest to close this issue.

@Matt: there's a citation of your analysis in comment #7. Can you tell if
this leads to an easy solution of the main issue? If not, see above.

Note: I changed priority from High to Moderate. This is not a bug that
should hold the release. I even thought about classifying it as "Low:
documentation error or undocumented side-effect", but this would need
further investigation (see my suggestions above).

Link: https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L2639
Version: 1.4-feature

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