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Re: FLTK 1.1.8 final version released

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Re: FLTK 1.1.8 final version released imm Mar 28, 2008  
On 28 Mar 2008, at 8:49, matthiasm wrote:

> We very happily announce the availability of the final version of FLTK
> 1.1.8, concluding the FLTK 1.1.x branch.

Possibly a bit late for this observation...

I just sync'd this mac with the "last" svn, and I notice Matthias has  
changed the CREDITS file...
Well, sort of, but actually that file is waaaay out of date (it still  
refers to 1.1.5!)

I wonder if it's worth *really* updating it now, if we are putting a  
last stake into the ground for 1.1.8?
I'd suggest there are a few names that should be in it that are not  
(and possibly some older names that might come out? But I'm less  
clear about that one!)

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