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Re: Use fltk with code::blocks

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Re: Use fltk with code::blocks Dejan Lekic Mar 19, 2008  
Pamela, I use Code::Blocks for C/C++/D programming, and I can confirm 
that is _possible_ to use FLTK just by downloading the source package. I 
use Code::Blocks for all my FLTK applications, and test/mock FLTK-based 

However, I did not provide Code::Block project/workspace file, in 
/ide/cb folder, suitable for use on Windows. Mostly because I do not use 
Windows for last 2 years (although I am thinking of installing it again 
because some FLTK bugs are purely Windows-related).

You can use Linux/UNIX version of C::B project files, with modifications 
for use on Windows. It is possible, and it is not difficult!

I am definitely going to write something about this, and eventually 
provide a proper Windows CB projects.

Finally, note that we (FLTK) developers provide project files just for 
the purpose of making development easier. They are not there for end-users.

Kind regards

PS. If you need any direct help with FLTK and Code::Blocks we can meet 
on IRC, server irc.oftc.net, channel #fltk, and i can give you some 
step-by-step guide how to use C::B + FLTK on Windows. URI (SeaMonkey and 
Opera 9 only): irc://irc.oftc.net/fltk
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