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Re: Regame question

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Re: Regame question Yuri D'Elia Mar 17, 2008  
In article 
 "MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK)" 
 <ian.macarthur-xmadGBvRevyakBO8gow8eQ@public.gmane.org> wrote:

> Mostly, I was just fiddling with the Makefile to get it to build (and I
> had to alter the #ifdef's to allow it to use the gettimeofday() stub -
> my mingw doesn't provide one...)

The win32 build that is currently online was generated via a mingw32; 
crosscompiled on linux.

I'm using the gcc 4.2.1-sjli (the latest testing distribution). At some 
point they included the gettimeofday stub in mingw itself. A real time 
saver :)

> So - I take it that it does build and run OK on win32 with other
> toolchains? It is entirely likely that I have messed something up in my
> Makefile that is breaking things.

Maybe I'm to blame. I'm using the GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB extension in 
the code, without any form of fallback. If you don't have hardware 
support for non-power-of-two textures it won't draw anything.
This is easily fixed. You should, at least, be able to see the text.

Try adding:


before ortho(). Maybe it's just that.

> Now for my question: Is it OK to have an Fl_Gl_Window as your outer
> window? I vaguely recall that was not a reliable/portable thing to do. 
> All my code seems to have the GL window wrapped inside a regular
> Fl_Window (or Fl_Single_Window) and I do this because at some point in
> the past there was an issue with this...

There should be no problems.
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