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Change an image when already loaded as Fl_()_Image

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Change an image when already loaded as Fl_()_Image Zoltan Phelps Mar 16, 2008  
I searched the forum but didn't find any suitable thread.
In my application i would like to show two images, one "original" version and one "altered" version (e.g. after LUT conversion).
My question is - how can i access the pixel data of an Fl_RGB_Image directly? The source code reveals only the "const char * const *data();" member function but as it is constant i'm not able to change anything. Is there another suitable way? Or is it better to just keep an unsigned char array with the pixel data, change it as desired and redraw it with the fl_draw_image function without creating any Fl_()_Image object? I'm a bit confused because with different libraries i used to create an image object and to alter its pixel data there had always been an access member function.
Thanks in advance!
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