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Re: [LOW] STR #3134: fl_clip_box fails on X11 with large coordinates

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Re: [LOW] STR #3134: fl_clip_box fails on X11 with large coordinates Albrecht Schlosser May 26, 2021  
[STR Closed w/Resolution]

Link: https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L3134
Version: 1.3-current
Fix Version: 1.4.0
Git Commit: 12c050980692c05fb3eb59acd7aba6a46bea4bf8

Thanks to ajapted for the report, and sorry for the late reply and fix.

As suggested, the given rectangle is now "pre-clipped" to the X11 16-bit
coordinate range and then used internally to calculate the clipping box.

Uploaded demo program clip_box.cxx shows the effect with some example
clipping values. See example code for details.

FTR, output on Linux/X11, clipped to 16-bit coordinates:

---  NO CLIPPING  ---
fl_clip_box(    100,     100,    200,    200) => 0 (    100,     100,   
200,    200)
fl_clip_box(-100000, -100000, 200000, 200000) => 1 ( -32760,  -32760, 
65520,  65520)
fl_clip_box( -33000,  -33000,   2000,   2000) => 1 ( -32760,  -32760,  
1760,   1760)
fl_clip_box(   -100,    -100,    180,    100) => 0 (   -100,    -100,   
180,    100)
fl_clip_box(   -100,    -100,    180,    200) => 0 (   -100,    -100,   
180,    200)

---  CLIP TO BOX (20, 20, 80, 25)  ---
fl_clip_box(    100,     100,    200,    200) => 2 (    100,     100,     
0,      0)
fl_clip_box(-100000, -100000, 200000, 200000) => 1 (     20,      20,    
80,     25)
fl_clip_box( -33000,  -33000,   2000,   2000) => 2 ( -32760,  -32760,     
0,      0)
fl_clip_box(   -100,    -100,    180,    100) => 2 (   -100,    -100,     
0,      0)
fl_clip_box(   -100,    -100,    180,    200) => 1 (     20,      20,    
60,     25)

For comparison, output on Windows, using full 32-bit coordinate space:

---  NO CLIPPING  ---
fl_clip_box(    100,     100,    200,    200) => 0 (    100,     100,   
200,    200)
fl_clip_box(-100000, -100000, 200000, 200000) => 0 (-100000, -100000,
200000, 200000)
fl_clip_box( -33000,  -33000,   2000,   2000) => 0 ( -33000,  -33000,  
2000,   2000)
fl_clip_box(   -100,    -100,    180,    100) => 0 (   -100,    -100,   
180,    100)
fl_clip_box(   -100,    -100,    180,    200) => 0 (   -100,    -100,   
180,    200)

---  CLIP TO BOX (20, 20, 80, 25)  ---
fl_clip_box(    100,     100,    200,    200) => 2 (    100,     100,     
0,      0)
fl_clip_box(-100000, -100000, 200000, 200000) => 1 (     20,      20,    
80,     25)
fl_clip_box( -33000,  -33000,   2000,   2000) => 2 ( -33000,  -33000,     
0,      0)
fl_clip_box(   -100,    -100,    180,    100) => 2 (   -100,    -100,     
0,      0)
fl_clip_box(   -100,    -100,    180,    200) => 1 (     20,      20,    
60,     25)

Link: https://www.fltk.org/str.php?L3134
Version: 1.3-current
Fix Version: 1.4.0
Git Commit: 12c050980692c05fb3eb59acd7aba6a46bea4bf8
  fl_clip_box() test program for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>

void exitcb(Fl_Widget *w, void *) {

// helper function to test clipping, prints clip results
void test_clip_box(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
  int X = -999, Y = -999, W = -999, H = -999;
  int ret = fl_clip_box(x, y, w, h, X, Y, W, H);
  printf("fl_clip_box(%7d, %7d, %6d, %6d) => %d (%7d, %7d, %6d, %6d)\n",
         x, y, w, h, ret, X, Y, W, H);

// test clipping with several special test cases
void test_clip() {
  test_clip_box(100, 100, 200, 200);
  test_clip_box(-100000, -100000, 200000, 200000);
  test_clip_box(-33000, -33000, 2000, 2000);
  test_clip_box(-100, -100, 180, 100);
  test_clip_box(-100, -100, 180, 200);

class myBox : public Fl_Box {
  myBox(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *L) : Fl_Box(x,y,w,h,L) {}
  void draw() {

    printf("\n---  NO CLIPPING  ---\n");

    printf("\n---  CLIP TO BOX (%d, %d, %d, %d)  ---\n", x(), y(), w(), h());
    fl_push_clip(x(), y(), w(), h());


int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  Fl_Window *window = new Fl_Window(320, 65, "test fl_clip_box()");
  myBox *b1 = new myBox(20, 20, 80, 25, "LABEL");
  Fl_Button *b2 = new Fl_Button(220,20, 80, 25, "E&xit");
  b2->callback(exitcb, 0);
  window->size_range(window->w(), window->h());
  return Fl::run();
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