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[master] 2dc6010 - New Checkers pieces created by me from scratch.

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[master] 2dc6010 - New Checkers pieces created by me from scratch. "Matthias Melcher" Jan 28, 2022  
commit 2dc6010d5a5a788e9e860f4c3abcc4a4c7742514
Author:     Matthias Melcher <github@matthiasm.com>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 28 13:44:51 2022 +0100
Commit:     Matthias Melcher <github@matthiasm.com>
CommitDate: Fri Jan 28 13:45:14 2022 +0100

    New Checkers pieces created by me from scratch.
    Remove possible licensing issues. Added vector file.

 test/pixmaps/black_checker.png      | Bin 19131 -> 6815 bytes
 test/pixmaps/black_checker_king.png | Bin 21366 -> 7927 bytes
 test/pixmaps/checker.svg            | 378 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/pixmaps/white_checker.png      | Bin 18587 -> 6629 bytes
 test/pixmaps/white_checker_king.png | Bin 21280 -> 7778 bytes
 5 files changed, 378 insertions(+)

diff --git test/pixmaps/black_checker.png test/pixmaps/black_checker.png
index 4ea47a2..a7e2cd7 100644
Binary files test/pixmaps/black_checker.png and test/pixmaps/black_checker.png differ
diff --git test/pixmaps/black_checker_king.png test/pixmaps/black_checker_king.png
index a9b6f1b..e54e870 100644
Binary files test/pixmaps/black_checker_king.png and test/pixmaps/black_checker_king.png differ
diff --git test/pixmaps/checker.svg test/pixmaps/checker.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad196a0
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+++ test/pixmaps/checker.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
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diff --git test/pixmaps/white_checker.png test/pixmaps/white_checker.png
index bd545a4..9aaf778 100644
Binary files test/pixmaps/white_checker.png and test/pixmaps/white_checker.png differ
diff --git test/pixmaps/white_checker_king.png test/pixmaps/white_checker_king.png
index f89a1fc..08eadc7 100644
Binary files test/pixmaps/white_checker_king.png and test/pixmaps/white_checker_king.png differ
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