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[master] b713b91 - PDF docs: generate LaTeX header file from source

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[master] b713b91 - PDF docs: generate LaTeX header file from source "Albrecht Schlosser" Sep 21, 2020  
commit b713b919756fd420063e7defc30bfc21996de636
Author:     Albrecht Schlosser <albrechts.fltk@online.de>
AuthorDate: Sun Sep 20 14:44:14 2020 +0200
Commit:     Albrecht Schlosser <albrechts.fltk@online.de>
CommitDate: Mon Sep 21 14:32:46 2020 +0200

    PDF docs: generate LaTeX header file from source
    The LaTeX header file used when creating PDF documentation depends on
    the doxygen and latex versions, respectively.
    The old header file 'documentation/src/fltk-book.tex.in' had been
    generated manually and needed to be updated for new doxygen versions
    which made the PDF documentation generation dependent on the
    doxygen/latex versions on the build system.
    The new LaTeX header file 'fltk-book.tex' is generated by doxygen,
    i.e. taking into account the doxygen and latex versions on the build
    system and "edited" to include the page title defined in the new
    file 'documentation/src/fltk-title.tex.in'.
    This makes the PDF documentation independent of the doxygen and
    latex versions of the build system.

 documentation/CMakeLists.txt        |  34 ++++----
 documentation/Makefile              |   9 +-
 documentation/make_header           |  58 +++++++++++++
 documentation/src/fltk-book.tex.in  | 161 ------------------------------------
 documentation/src/fltk-title.tex.in |  33 ++++++++
 5 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)

diff --git documentation/CMakeLists.txt documentation/CMakeLists.txt
index c240531..acbdc6a 100644
--- documentation/CMakeLists.txt
+++ documentation/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ if (OPTION_BUILD_HTML_DOCUMENTATION)
   set (LATEX_HEADER   "")
-  configure_file(
+  configure_file (
-  configure_file(
+  configure_file (
   # generate html docs
   add_custom_target (html
-    # ALL
     COMMENT "Generating HTML documentation" VERBATIM
@@ -73,28 +72,31 @@ if (OPTION_BUILD_PDF_DOCUMENTATION)
   set (LATEX_HEADER   "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fltk-book.tex")
-  configure_file(
+  # strip potential " (Git-hash)" from the original version
+  execute_process (COMMAND date +%Y
+  )
+  configure_file (
-  # generate LaTeX header fltk-book.tex
-  execute_process (COMMAND date +%Y
-  )
-  configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/fltk-book.tex.in
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fltk-book.tex
+  configure_file (
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/fltk-title.tex.in
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fltk-title.tex
   # generate fltk.pdf
-  add_custom_command(
+  add_custom_command (
+            ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fltk-title.tex
+            ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fltk-book.tex
     COMMAND cp -f latex/refman.pdf fltk.pdf
@@ -105,7 +107,6 @@ if (OPTION_BUILD_PDF_DOCUMENTATION)
   # add target 'pdf'
   add_custom_target (pdf
-    # ALL
@@ -117,8 +118,7 @@ endif (OPTION_BUILD_PDF_DOCUMENTATION)
 if (DOCS)
-  add_custom_target(docs
-    # ALL
+  add_custom_target (docs
diff --git documentation/Makefile documentation/Makefile
index 5e95ad5..43be79f 100644
--- documentation/Makefile
+++ documentation/Makefile
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ dist:	docs
 	$(RM) Doxyfile Doxybook
-	$(RM) fltk.pdf refman.pdf src/fltk-book.tex
+	$(RM) fltk.pdf refman.pdf src/fltk-book.tex src/fltk-book.tex.in
 	$(RMDIR) html latex
 	$(RM) *~ *.bck *.bak *.log
@@ -180,9 +180,14 @@ refman.pdf: $(HTMLFILES) Doxybook src/fltk-book.tex
 src/fltk-book.tex: src/fltk-book.tex.in
-	DOXY_VERSION=`$(DOXYDOC) --version`; \
+	echo "Generating $@ ..."
+	DOXY_VERSION=`$(DOXYDOC) --version|cut -f1 -d' '`; \
 	YEAR=`date +%Y`; \
 	sed -e"s/@YEAR@/$$YEAR/g" \
 	    -e"s/@FLTK_VERSION@/$(FLTK_VERSION)/g" \
 	    -e"s/@DOXY_VERSION@/$$DOXY_VERSION/g" \
 	< $< > $@
+src/fltk-book.tex.in: src/fltk-title.tex.in
+	echo "Generating $@ ..."
+	./make_header src/fltk-title.tex.in src/fltk-book.tex.in
diff --git documentation/make_header documentation/make_header
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44af365
--- /dev/null
+++ documentation/make_header
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Create a new LaTeX header file for doxygen PDF docs
+# Note: this LaTeX file depends on Doxygen and LaTeX versions, resp.
+# and needs therefore to be created with current Doxygen and LaTeX
+# versions on the build system.
+# Usage:
+#   $ sh make_header input-file output-file
+# where 'input-file' is the pure (LaTeX) title page (template)
+# and 'output-file' is the generated (LaTeX) title page (template)
+# to be used by `make' or `cmake` to generate the final LaTeX page
+# header (combined doxygen template + FLTK title page).
+# This script requires a posix shell and uses the following commands:
+# cat, rm and sed and (obviously) doxygen
+# input and output file names
+# temp file
+if test x$FLTK_HEAD = x; then
+  echo "usage: $0 fltk-header-file output-file"
+  exit 1
+if test x$DOXY_HEAD = x; then
+  echo "usage: $0 fltk-header-file output-file"
+  exit 1
+# Create the doxygen LaTeX header template and replace the LaTeX
+# code between (and including) the lines containing
+# - 'begin{titlepage}' and
+# - 'end{titlepage}'
+# with our PDF document title page (LaTeX code) and write the
+# result to $DOXY_HEAD.
+doxygen -w latex $DOXY_TEMP /dev/null /dev/null
+# combine three parts of these files to the output file
+# using '( ... ) > $DOXY_HEAD' to write (concatenate)
+# all three parts to one file
+( sed -e'/begin{titlepage}/,$d' < $DOXY_TEMP
+  cat $FLTK_HEAD
+  sed -e'1,/end{titlepage}/d' < $DOXY_TEMP
+# cleanup
+rm -f $DOXY_TEMP
diff --git documentation/src/fltk-book.tex.in documentation/src/fltk-book.tex.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 880d06e..0000000
--- documentation/src/fltk-book.tex.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-% Latex header for FLTK generated by doxygen 1.8.13
-% Packages required by doxygen
-\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % also loads graphicx
-% Font selection
-  \fontseries{bc}\selectfont%
-  \color{darkgray}%
-  \fontseries{bc}\selectfont%
-  \color{darkgray}%
-% Page & text layout
-  a4paper,%
-  top=2.5cm,%
-  bottom=2.5cm,%
-  left=2.5cm,%
-  right=2.5cm%
-\setlength{\parskip}{3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex}
-  \@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0ex}{-1.0ex}{1.0ex}{%
-    \normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\SS@parafont%
-  }%
-  \@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{0ex}{-1.0ex}{1.0ex}{%
-    \normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\SS@subparafont%
-  }%
-% Headers & footers
-\fancyfoot[RE]{\fancyplain{}{\bfseries\scriptsize Generated by Doxygen }}
-\fancyfoot[LO]{\fancyplain{}{\bfseries\scriptsize Generated by Doxygen }}
-  \markboth{#1}{}%
-  \markright{\thesection\ #1}%
-% Indices & bibliography
-% Hyperlinks (required, but should be loaded last)
-  \usepackage[pdftex,pagebackref=true]{hyperref}
-  \usepackage[ps2pdf,pagebackref=true]{hyperref}
-  colorlinks=true,%
-  linkcolor=blue,%
-  citecolor=blue,%
-  unicode%
-% Custom commands
-  \newpage{\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage}%
-%===== C O N T E N T S =====
-% Titlepage & ToC
-             bookmarksnumbered=true,
-             pdfencoding=unicode
-            }
-{\Huge FLTK @FLTK_VERSION@ Programming Manual}\\
- \mbox{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{FL200.png}}
-Revision 11 by F. Costantini, D. Gibson, M. Melcher, \\
-A. Schlosser, B. Spitzak, and M. Sweet.}\\
-{\large Copyright 1998-@YEAR@ by Bill Spitzak and others.}\\
-This software and manual are provided under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.}\\
-Permission is granted to reproduce this manual or any portion for any purpose,}\\
-provided this copyright and permission notice are preserved.}\\
-{\large Generated by Doxygen @DOXY_VERSION@}\\
-%--- Begin generated contents ---
diff --git documentation/src/fltk-title.tex.in documentation/src/fltk-title.tex.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a10747
--- /dev/null
+++ documentation/src/fltk-title.tex.in
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% FLTK PDF documentation title page (LaTeX)
+{\Huge FLTK @FLTK_VERSION@ Programming Manual}\\
+ \mbox{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{FL200.png}}
+Revision 11 by F. Costantini, D. Gibson, M. Melcher, \\
+A. Schlosser, B. Spitzak, and M. Sweet.}\\
+{\large Copyright 1998-@YEAR@ by Bill Spitzak and others.}\\
+This software and manual are provided under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.}\\
+Permission is granted to reproduce this manual or any portion for any purpose,}\\
+provided this copyright and permission notice are preserved.}\\
+{\large Generated by Doxygen @DOXY_VERSION@}\\
+% end of FLTK PDF documentation title page (LaTeX)
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Comments are owned by the poster. All other content is copyright 1998-2024 by Bill Spitzak and others. This project is hosted by The FLTK Team. Please report site problems to 'erco@seriss.com'.