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Re: [fltk/fltk] MacOS 10.15: NSOpenPanel modal issue (#145)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] MacOS 10.15: NSOpenPanel modal issue (#145) ManoloFLTK Oct 05, 2020  

I have now tried to run the small app as an unbundled macOS executable.
In that setup, the panel opens and disappears right away.
Do you also run it unbundled?
If yes, is there a reason for that? MacOS apps are normally bundles.

I also see that if the app opens a window (fl_message("hello");) and closes it
and then opens the file dialog, the unbundled app runs OK.
The problem is thus to open the file dialog in an unbundled app without any other FLTK window opened before.
I'm afraid if I craft something to support that, it will be invalidated soon by a
macOS update, because it's a very unstandard situation.

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