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Re: [fltk/fltk] FLUID syntax highlighting bug with quotes (#135)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] FLUID syntax highlighting bug with quotes (#135) Jon Foster Sep 15, 2020  

No, FLUID didn't highlight character constants using single-quotes. I was going to say something but figured I caused enough trouble just trying to help out. ;-) I'm all for highlighting those.

As far as missing quotes: as long as that is the behavior you want you're golden. I'll have to play with g++ to see why it grumps. Oh! Its probably because I left the trailing backslashes out. :-D Its been a while since I've tried.

I'm glad you could jump on it and felt compelled to do so. I started in that same direction (a rewrite) but simply had to back-burner it and do other things that needed doing. I'm new to FLTK but I like what I've seen and have committed to using it for my GUI dev. I would also agree its well designed but oddly not very OOP oriented. Perhaps for legacy reasons.

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