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Re: [fltk/fltk] Opengl on windows 10 with shared library (#136)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Opengl on windows 10 with shared library (#136) Albrecht Schlosser Sep 15, 2020  

Thanks for the very good report including the demo program, and sorry for this known issue.

The shared library build of FLTK 1.3.5 with CMake using MSVC is currently broken, i.e. shared libs don't import/export the correct symbols. The only shared library that works is fltk_SHARED alone; you can't link with fltk_images or fltk_gl. It is correct that the non-shared build works as you also noticed. The bundled MSVC project should also build correctly (only one shared library), but this would lack the CMake import files.

This issue is (should be) fixed in FLTK 1.4, but it's not yet clear if this can or will be backported to 1.3 and whether there will be a release 1.3.6 in the future.

Please pull the master branch from Git, build the shared libs and confirm that it works for you. This would be very helpful for our development. It's all API compatible.

Note that some of the option names may be different in 1.4 and the library file names are different, but you should be able to build and run your program just fine. The CMake library names fltk_SHARED fltk_gl_SHARED are still the same though so your program should hopefully build just fine.

Any feedback would be appreciated. TIA.

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