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Problems with gl_draw on Mac OSX

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Problems with gl_draw on Mac OSX Daniel Gollas Jul 19, 2011  
Hi, I read ( http://fltk.org/newsgroups.php?s1+gfltk.opengl+v14+T0+Qgl_draw ) that fltk 1.3's gl_draw on OSX now uses a texture to render the text and then blends that texture on the display.

I am compiling my program to a 32 bit Mach-0 executable and I load many large textures at runtime. The problem I am having is that when I use the gl_draw function, it messes with my textures, and they are replaced by what appears to be the text texture created by fltk (I display the textures rendered on a Quad, and I can see gl_text strings that I used at some point in the program rendered there).

This does not happen in a predictable way but happens very often. If I simply do not use gl_draw, the problem never appears. It sounds to me like the texture ids being used by gl_draw are not being correctly created or something. Tried on two different Macs, one with an ATI graphics card and one with an nVidia and the two had the same problem.

Also, in addition to the texture replacement, sometimes the text is not drawn correctly, I can see the rectangle where the texture should be but it is a solid color (indicating again that the texture is messed up).

The same code runs fine on Linux and Windows with fltk 1.3 and used to run fine on OSX with fltk 1.19 a long time ago (this code is a few years old).

I tried the stable 1.3 and the latest build (1.3.x-r8861.tar.gz) and the problem persists.

Please help! Thanks.
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