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Re: Drawing rectangles etc - demo of incremental offscreen drawing

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Re: Drawing rectangles etc - demo of incremental offscreen drawing "MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK)" Jun 08, 2011  
> The individual 'incremental method you mentioned would be of 
> interest to me for insight also, if you would like to post it, thanks.

OK, see below.
Sorry to everyone who's seen this before, I am sure I have posted it but
could not find it in the forums...

It incrementally renders random coloured lines to an offscreen surface
and then displays a view of that in a window.
The rendered "canvas" can be dragged around the view window, and the
view is resizable.


//   fltk-config --compile offscreen-demo.cxx

/* Standard headers */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h> // use time() in random code below

/* Fltk headers */
#include <Fl/Fl.h>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/x.H>
#include <Fl/Fl_Box.H>
#include <Fl/fl_draw.h>

// The main window for the demo
static Fl_Double_Window *main_window = 0;

// The offscreen surface
static Fl_Offscreen oscr = 0;  // the surface
static int os_w = 0, os_h = 0; // the surface's dimensions

/* This class provides a view into the offscreen surface */
class oscr_box : public Fl_Box {
	void draw();
	int handle(int event);
	int x_old, y_old;   /* previous x,y during a drag operation */
	int drag_state;     /* non-zero if a drag is in progress */
	int page_x, page_y; /* current view position */
	oscr_box(int x, int y, int w, int h);

/* Constructor */
oscr_box::oscr_box(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Box(x,y,w,h){
	x_old = y_old = 0;
	drag_state = 0;
	page_x = page_y = 750;
} // Constructor

void oscr_box::draw() {
	int wd = w();
	int ht = h();
	int xo = x();
	int yo = y();

	// first clear out the view to a flat grey - this is
	// redundant if we know the offscreen will fill the view
	fl_rectf(xo, yo, wd, ht);

	// now draw the view
	if(oscr) { // offscreen exists
		// blit the required view from the offscreen onto the
		fl_copy_offscreen(xo, yo, wd, ht, oscr, page_x, page_y);
	else { // create the offscreen
		// some platforms seem to need a context to base the
		// on, so make the main window current here...

		// set the dimensions for the offscreen surface
		os_w = 2000; os_h = 2000;
		oscr = fl_create_offscreen(os_w, os_h);
		// did the create fail?
		if(!oscr) {
			// Fail - clear the dimensions out again
			os_w = os_h = 0;
} // draw method

int oscr_box::handle(int ev) {
	// call the base class event handler
	int ret = Fl_Box::handle(ev);

	// if there is no offscreen surface, we can return now
	if(!oscr) return ret;

	// Handle dragging of visible area - if a valid context exists.
	// All sorts of editor stuff could be added here... later...
	switch(ev) {
	case FL_ENTER:
		ret = 1;

	case FL_LEAVE:
		ret = 1;

	case FL_PUSH:
		x_old = Fl::event_x_root();
		y_old = Fl::event_y_root();
		drag_state = 1; // drag
		ret = 1;

	case FL_DRAG:
		if(drag_state == 1) { // dragging is active
			// how far did we drag since last event?
			int x_new = Fl::event_x_root();
			int y_new = Fl::event_y_root();
			int xoff = x_old - x_new;
			int yoff = y_old - y_new;
			x_old = x_new;
			y_old = y_new;
			// update the view position by the drag amount
			page_x += xoff;
			page_y += yoff;
			// check the page bounds and clamp at edges
			if(page_x < -w()) page_x = -w();
			else if(page_x > os_w) page_x = os_w;

			if(page_y < -h()) page_y = -h();
			else if(page_y > os_h) page_y = os_h;
			// trigger a redraw of the view because we moved
		ret = 1;

		drag_state = 0; // not dragging any more
		ret = 1;

	return ret;
} // handle

static oscr_box *os_box = 0; // a widget to view the offscreen with

static void oscr_drawing (void) {
	Fl_Color col;
	static int icol = 56; // a random colour on the ramp
	static int ox = 1000, oy = 1000; // somewhere in the offscreen
	static int iters = 3456; // more than 1024...

	if(!oscr) return; // nothing to do here...

	fl_begin_offscreen(oscr); /* Open the offscreen context for
drawing */

	// for the demo, we "reset" the offscreen periodically
	if(iters > 1024) {
		fl_rectf(0, 0, os_w, os_h);
		iters = 0;

	// pick a random colour to draw with
	icol++; if(icol > 255) icol = 56;
	col = (Fl_Color)icol;
	fl_color(col); // set the colour

	// pick a random position
	int rnd = rand();
	double drx = (double)os_w * (double)rnd / (double)RAND_MAX;
	rnd = rand();
	double dry = (double)os_h * (double)rnd / (double)RAND_MAX;

	// pick a random line thickness
	rnd = rand();
	double drt = 4.0 * (double)rnd / (double)RAND_MAX;

	// draw a line from the old point to the new end point
	int ex = (int)drx;
	int ey = (int)dry;
	// draws a solid line of thickness drt
	fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, (int)drt);
	fl_line(ox, oy, ex, ey);
	// old point moved to new end point
	ox = ex; oy = ey;

	fl_end_offscreen(); // close the offscreen context
} // oscr_drawing

static void oscr_anim(void *) {
	if(oscr) { // offscreen exists, draw something
	// request a redraw of the view box
	// repeat the animation delay
	Fl::repeat_timeout(0.1, oscr_anim);
} // oscr_anim

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
	int win_size = 600;

	// create the main window
	main_window = new Fl_Double_Window(win_size, win_size,
"Offscreen Demo");

	// a view of the offscreen, inside the main window
	os_box = new oscr_box(5, 5, (win_size - 10), (win_size - 10));


	// show the app
	main_window->show(argc, argv);

	// seed the random number sequence

	// add a timer to animate the view updates
	Fl::add_timeout(0.1, oscr_anim);

	// start the fltk loop
	return Fl::run();
} // main

/* end of file */

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