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Listings in Wiki/Software/Multimedia

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  • aPcStudio 0.6.5 [Stale home link 2023-11-11]

    aPcStudio is a wavefile editor and digital sound studio for linux (a windows version follows). Since April 28th, Version 0.6.5(alpha) is available for testing.

  • BluePlayer 0.66

    Simple Sound Player  using FLTK 1.1.7. and  Audiere library BluePlayer

  • ClickShow 4.1

    A subtitle player for live performances and movie screenings that require manually synchronized subtitles.

    ClickShow is used to subtitle live broadcasts of MET operas as well as many film festivals including One World (https://www.oneworld.cz) which is probably the largest human-rights documentary festival in Europe.

  • Clilypboard 0.1.5

    Clilypboard is Lied, Lilypond editor, without the editor. Lilypond items are saved in the system clipboard, then you can paste it into any text editor.

  • Csmusgen (MU.SE.S.) 0.1.3

    Create and manipulate musical series, in Csound score code.

  • CsoundAV

    A realtime version of the famous sound synthesis language Csound, now supports Video, animated 3D graphics and provides widgets to control synthesis parameters in real-time. Widget opcodes are based on FLTK. Runs on Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP A partial port (containing FLTK stuff) has been done for Linux. You can get it at http://csounds.com/istvan/

  • flabc 1.0.6

    A free music and tablature typesetting program.

  • FlBurn 0.0.3

    FlBurn is an optical disc burning software for linux based on the libraries libburn and libisofs.

  • FreeMajor 2018-11-08

    This is an editor and a controller for the TC Electronic G-Major guitar effect module. It is able to manipulate all the parameters of the unit over real-time MIDI, and it supports the downloadable patches in RealMajor format.

  • Funkyou 1.2.0 [Stale home link 2023-11-11]

    MP3/Ogg Mixingsoftware for DJ's with Lightcontroller Jingleplayer Crossfader Speedcontrol Prelistening Scratching etc. libmpeg3, libvorbis, libogg are needed.

  • gmorgan v0.25 [Stale download link 2023-11-11]

    gmorgan is a rhythm station a modern organ will full editable accompaniment, as well is a pattern based sequencer.

  • Lied 1.3.2 [Stale home link 2023-11-11]


        Lied is the FLTK (http://www.fltk.org) test text editor
        (with some differences) with the addition of a Lilypond
        (http://www.lilypond.org) menu, that collects most of the
        common music definitions in Lilypond syntax ordered by argument.
        Goal of Lied is to provide a simple to install, cross-platform
        tool, to learn the basics of the Lilypond syntax and test it
        quickly, running the included templates.

  • Lyg 0.1 [Stale home link 2023-11-11]

    Lyg generates music in Lilypond syntax. The standard output of Lyg is a full Lilypond file, ready to be processed by Lilypond. Watch video:


  • MuSE - Multiple Streaming Engine

    An application for the mixing, encoding, and streaming of sound. MuSE is a server engine that can simultaniously mix up to 8 seperate mp3 audio files from the hard drive where each channel of audio can be dynamically adjusted for speed and volume plus a soundcard line-in channel. The resulting stream can be played localy on the sound card and/ or encoded as an mp3 data stream to an icecast server.

  • Open Movie Editor 0.0.20080209

    Open Movie Editor is designed to be a simple tool, that provides basic movie making capabilites. It aims to be powerful enough for the amateur movie artist, yet easy to use.

  • Parametric Plate 1.0

    Parametric Plate is a graphical interface for an audio mixing and processing program called Mixer4.  The Fluid designed interface allows the user to adjust all the parameters of 4 different dynamics processors (compressors), 4 bands of equalization, and reverb.   The interface supports 120 tracks, 8 subgroups and 512 automation entries using banks to display only the data needed. New screenshot

  • prodatum v2.0.0

    A cross-platform patch editor for the E-MU Proteus 2000 sample-based synthesizer family. The scheme is a modified gleam.

    prodatum is free software.

  • rakarrack 0.1.2

    Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU/Linux simple and easy to use. It integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects. Most of the effects are based on the magnificent work done by Paul Nasca Octavian in ZynAddSubFX synthesizer.

  • SpiralLoops

    SpiralLoops is an experimental loop based sampler for Linux or FreeBSD. It provides a simple, visual tool for looping, layering and warping of sounds; which can be sourced from either wav files or from sound generating plugins.

  • SpiralSynth

    Spiral Synth is a physically modelled, polyphonic analogue synthesizer for Linux and FreeBSD, with Midi support.  It is capable of creating the kind of sounds made by hardware analogue synths, the noises used in electronic music. You can also use it to make stranger sounds too. Spiral Synth uses the FLTK widget set for it's front end.

  • SpiralSynthModular 0.2.0

    SSM is a object orientated modular softsynth / sequencer / sampler. You can use it in a fairly straight forward way to make tracks with, or get very experimental. Audio or control data can be freely passed between the plugins, there is no difference. Data can also be fed back on itself for chaotic effects.

  • Tekno Composer 0.4

    Tekno Composer takes the ideas of real-time music composition for drum and bass. It features a synthesizer, a drum machine, and a sample player. It allows you to play and record loops in real-time using pattern based sequencing. It is an ALSA midi sequencer app, and will use ALSA and has support for Jack Audio.

  • ZynAddSubFX 1.0.0

  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] flrec 0.9

    Fast and light recorder is a simple audio hard disk recording application. Uses sox as backend. Can record directly in mp3, ogg, wav, ecc.

  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] fltk-tabviewer 0.92

    Viewer for guitar ascii tabs. Main Features:

    • Designed for the Zaurus C1000 Pda (but also available for i386)
    • Ascii Tabs are beautified for graphical output
    • Specially adapted for Guitar-Pro generated ascii output
    • Realtime Scrolling in music speed useable as note sheet
  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] Layer3pimp .

    Layer3pimp offers a shared MP3 playlist to multiple users on a LAN listening to the audio of the same machine.

  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] stygmorgan 0.27

    stygmorgan is a musical instrument, is an Interactive Musical Workstation software emulator, fully configurable, but in fact does not produce any kind of sound, using the ALSA sequencer sends MIDI messages to external sound fonts.

  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] Zsid .

    ZSid is a C64 Sid music player. It emulates the MOS-6510 and SID chips.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] flxine 0.6.1

    A xine media player interface using the FLTK library for all gui display and control.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] flxine2 0.6.10

    0.9.10 28.03.2014 <szukw000@arcor.de>
        control window:
         Two buttons added for DVD: fast change of LANGUAGE and SUBTITLE
         now possible.
    Required libraries:
      fltk-1.3.x     library
      xine-lib-1.2.4 library
      pthread        library
  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] Giada 0.4.9

    Giada is a free, minimal, hardcore audio tool for djs and live performers. Load up to 32 samples, choose to play them in single mode (drum machine) or loop mode (sequencer) and start the show with your computer keyboard as a controller.
     Giada aims to be a compact and portable virtual device for Linux and Windows for production use and live sets.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] mp3d 1.1C

    A french mp3 player using the FLTK library for all gui display and control. 3d database representation ( make use of opengl ) , playlist, masstag...

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] Volume Control .

    A very simple volume / balance control for linux.


Comments are owned by the poster. All other content is copyright 1998-2024 by Bill Spitzak and others. This project is hosted by The FLTK Team. Please report site problems to 'erco@seriss.com'.