Example 4: Drawing Things

Programs get a lot more interesting if you can output your own graphics. Fltk does this by having you define your own subclass of Widget and defining a "draw" method for it.

Fltk has a built-in drawing library which is similar to PostScript or Cairo. You can also use OpenGL (but this requires more setup, a problem I hope to fix) or you can use native drawing functions for your operating system (but then your program is not portable, and fltk's functions are better anyway).

// drawing.cxx (example4)

#include <fltk/run.h>
#include <fltk/Window.h>
#include <fltk/Widget.h>
#include <fltk/Slider.h>
#include <fltk/math.h>
#include <fltk/draw.h>
#include <fltk/string.h> // for snprintf

using namespace fltk;

class ShapeWidget : public Widget {
  int sides_;

  void draw() {
    scale(w()/2.0f, h()/2.0f);
    int i; for (i=0; i<sides(); i++) {
      double ang = i*2*M_PI/sides();
    setfont(labelfont(), labelsize());
    char buf[200];
    double ang = 2*M_PI/sides();
    snprintf(buf, 200,
             "%d sides\n"
             "Angle between sides = %g°\n"
             "Length of side = %g\n"
             "Perimiter = %g\n"
             "Area = %g",
    drawtext(buf, Rectangle(w(),h()), ALIGN_WRAP);


  inline int sides() const {return sides_;}

  void sides(int n) {
    if (sides_ != n) {sides_ = n; redraw();}

  ShapeWidget(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l=0) :
    Widget(x,y,w,h,l), sides_(3) {}


static void slider_callback(Widget* widget, void* data) {

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  Window window(300, 330);

  ShapeWidget sw(10, 10, 280, 280);

  Slider slider(50, 295, window.w()-60, 30, "Sides:");
  slider.callback(slider_callback, &sw);

  return run();

This program displays a window that looks like this:


Let's look at the pieces of this program:

class ShapeWidget : public Widget {
  int sides_;

This is defining a new subclass of the fltk::Widget class called ShapeWidget. This widget's only purpose is to draw an n-sided polygon and to calculate and show some interesting information about it.

The most important method defined for this widget is the draw() method, which we start defining here. This will replace the fltk::Widget::draw() method defined on the base class (that one draws the box() and centers the label() inside it).

  void draw() {

Normally you must draw all the pixels inside your widget. So the first thing we do is fill the entire background with black.

Fltk's drawing functions are similar to PostScript. Here we first set the drawing color to black, then we draw a rectangle in that color.

By default, the coordinate system is set up so one unit is a pixel and positive is right and down, and 0,0 is the upper-left corner of the widget being drawn. Widget::w() and Widget::h() return a widget's current width and height.

The fltk::Rectangle class is a very simple container for four integers. The constructor here initializes the top-left corner to 0,0 and the size to Widget::w(),Widget::h(), thus the rectangle fills the widget.

    scale(w()/2.0f, h()/2.0f);

Now we change the coordinate system to one that makes it easier to draw the shape. It is scaled so the widget is 2 units on each side, then the origin is moved to the center.

Various tests show that modern processors are somewhat faster working with float instead of double data, so all of fltk's drawing functions take float for real numbers. This also makes it harder to accidentally mix calls to the integer versions of some of fltk's functions, most compilers will produce a warning unless you clearly mark all arguments as float. The integer versions sometimes have different behavior, such as ignoring rotations in the current coordinate system.


Fltk colors are 32-bit integers, with 8 bits of red, 8 bits of green, and 8 bits of blue, and then 8 bits that may be used as a transparency value or an index number, depending on context. It is safe to make these last bits be 00 or 0xff.

You can also use any of the constants defined in <fltk/Color.h>

    int i; for (i=0; i<sides(); i++) {
      double ang = i*2*M_PI/sides();

Now we build a "path" by calling addvertex(float,float) once for each corner of the polygon. You should set the color first (this is for compatibility with future fltk versions where you may be able to change the color per vertex).

We then fill it and draw a white line around the outside with fillstrokepath(Color). You could also just fill the path with fillpath(), only draw the line with strokepath(), or draw a dot at each vertex with drawpoints(). All of these do an automatic "newpath", unlike PostScript.

This restores the transformation back to what it was before the push_matrix() was called. Your draw() function must put the transformation and clipping back, or nasty things will happen!

    setfont(labelfont(), labelsize());

Next we select the font we want to draw the text in the middle in. It is recommended you use the labelfont() or textfont() so that user's preferences will affect your widgets.

    char buf[200];
    double ang = 2*M_PI/sides();
    snprintf(buf, 200,
             "%d sides\n"
             "Angle between sides = %g°\n"
             "Length of side = %g\n"
             "Perimiter = %g\n"
             "Area = %g",
    drawtext(buf, Rectangle(w(),h()), ALIGN_WRAP);

Now we format some interesting information using snprintf (fltk provides an implementation of the buffer-overrun-safe functions like snprintf, vsnprintf, and the BSD strlcat and strlcpy in the file <fltk/string.h> for portability to systems that don't have them).

This information is formatted into a box in the middle of the drawing with the drawtext() function. This is the same function used to draw labels on all the widgets, and it can justify and word-wrap the text (resize the window smaller to see it attempt to wrap the text), as well as print a number of interesting formatting commands and symbols indicated with '@' signs in the text.

  inline int sides() const {return sides_;}

Even though it seems easy to modify the sides field and call redraw() yourself, it is recommended you make methods for any changes to the widget. This makes it harder to forget to do things (such as redraw the widget in this case) and it makes it easier for the widget to change the implementation (for instance it may have a more efficient way to redraw itself if nothing changes other than the number of sides).

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  Window window(300, 330);

  ShapeWidget sw(10, 10, 280, 280);

  Slider slider(50, 295, window.w()-60, 30, "Sides:");
  slider.callback(slider_callback, &sw);

  return run();

The main function creates a window, into which we put an instance of our shape-drawing widget. It also creates a slider and hooks it up to change the number of sides of the widget. And then it shows the window and calls the fltk main loop.