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STR #3487

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STR #3487

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Unicode support
Summary:Added support for Ctrl-Shift-U to enter unicode chars to input field and enhance UTF8 support.
Created By:dfatfl
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 dfatfl
01:11 Aug 08, 2018
branch-1.4-dfatfl-cumulative -13010-utf-chars.patch

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#1 dfatfl
01:11 Aug 08, 2018
This STR is cumulative with STR3485 included.  It adds optional support to use Ctrl-Shift-U to enter Unicode characters (in hex) to input fields.  Optionally also support hybrid single byte mode to support single byte values (128-255).  This also required enhancing UTF8 to work properly.

Basic testing was on Linux Debian Jessie 32-bit.
#2 AlbrechtS
03:31 Aug 08, 2018
Hi David,

before you post more and more cumulative patches: we prefer single STR's with one patch for one issue.

I'm sorry to say that, but your cumulative patches are so large that they are hard to grok and it's very hard to extract parts that can be implemented and tested individually.

Hint:  the probability that one of the devs works on a given patch can
be increased if it is small and simple,  has only one issue per patch,
and is accompanied by a small, complete, compileable demo program that
shows the issue and can be used for testing.

That said, all contributions are appreciated and will be considered if someone finds the time to do it! Thank you for your efforts.

I took a look at your previous patch (STR #3485) and applied some fixes (formatting and typos) but I was not yet ready before you posted this new patch.  Can you please extract the new UTF-8 feature and post a new patch for this one? Your description looks promising...

I'll post some info about my fixes of your patch to STR #3485 later, but here are the basic issues:

(1) Code formatting:

(1a) Please use a TAB setting of 8 columns per TAB. Your indenting is wrong in parts and this makes the changes unreadable. Please fix indenting in the parts you changed with the correct tab setting. Note that we use 2 columns indent but 8 columns tab setting. Indenting with tabs and spaces is intermixed in existing code (both is acceptable).

(1b) Please check our CMP [1] for our coding style. It would be helpful if you could adhere to this. Examples: spaces before and after keywords, curly braces {} etc.

(1c) Trailing spaces should be avoided.

Unfortunately not all our code is "correctly" formatted WRT the CMP, but new code should adhere to the CMP as far as possible.

(2) Contents:

See my later post to STR #3485.

[1] http://www.fltk.org/cmp.php#CODING_STANDARDS
#3 matt
07:52 Jan 20, 2023
Apart from the fact that this diff is quite huge and goes all teh way into even modifying automake files, I always assumed that host systems have the functionality to create arbitrary Unicode characters anywhere.

On macOS, I simply tap the function key and get a colorful selection of all Unicode characters with search function, favourites, etc. . Is that different on other platforms? Windows has Windows + '.' . How about Linux?

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