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STR #3464

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STR #3464

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:Fl_Native_File_Chooser multithread issue (gtk)
Created By:djcj
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:Will Not Fix
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#1 djcj
15:08 Apr 18, 2018

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#1 djcj
15:08 Apr 18, 2018
I have attached a little test program. It starts a separate thread and does something (in this example it constantly updates the label of an Fl_Box widget). When I add a button with a callback that calls fl_file_chooser() the thread is still running but when it calls Fl_Native_File_Chooser() instead the thread pauses until I closed the gtk window.
I'm on Linux here so I don't know if the same happens on Mac or Windows.
#2 AlbrechtS
05:10 Apr 19, 2018
Just an observation, unfortunately I don't have a solution:

The thread "hangs" indeed when it calls Fl::lock() because FLTK holds the lock while the GTK file chooser is shown. This can easily be seen if you modify the function loop() in the demo program like this:

    printf("loop:  BEFORE  Fl::lock() %2.2s .\r", l[i]); fflush(stdout);
    printf("loop:  AFTER   Fl::lock() %2.2s .\r", l[i]); fflush(stdout);

The underlying cause is that the GTK file chooser needs to process system (X11) events while it is running. While the GTK window is open, FLTK processes *only* expose and configure_notify events. I /tried/ a few things with Fl::unlock(), Fl::check(), Fl::lock() etc. but the effects I saw were worse than before, so I gave up. I have no idea how this could be changed.

FWIW: This is all handled in function Fl_GTK_Native_File_Chooser_Driver::fl_gtk_chooser_wrapper() in file src/Fl_Native_File_Chooser_GTK.cxx, line 492. The GTK event loop is handled in lines 622 and following lines:

  while (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_NONE) { // loop that shows the GTK dialog window
    fl_gtk_main_iteration(); // one iteration of the GTK event loop
    while (XEventsQueued(fl_display, QueuedAfterReading)) { // emulate modal dialog
      // more code here ...
      if ( xevent.type == Expose || xevent.type == ConfigureNotify ) fl_handle(xevent);
    Fl::flush(); // do the drawings needed after Expose events

Sorry, that's it from my side. Someone else may chime in with more information or a solution.

Or maybe there is no solution at all.
#3 djcj
22:47 Apr 21, 2018
dlopen()ing a plugin that starts a Qt5 file selection has the same result. I'll see if I can instead just modify the FLTK file selection so that it has a bit more of the look and feel to the native dialogs.  
#4 AlbrechtS
10:02 Apr 22, 2018
Okay, then I believe we can close this STR for now. Right?  
#5 djcj
11:19 Apr 22, 2018
Sure, go ahead.  
#6 AlbrechtS
04:04 Apr 23, 2018

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