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STR #3115

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STR #3115

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:Xcode 5/6 Support?
Created By:RandomDSdevel
Assigned To:manolo
Fix Version:1.3.3
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#1 RandomDSdevel
15:38 Jul 31, 2014
Is the FLTK team ever going to add folders for Xcode 5 (and maybe Xcode 6, too, for when it comes out) into the 'ice' sub-folder of v1.3.x's Subversion branch?  I'd like to be able to use FLTK in my current Xcode 5 and future Xcode 6 projects without having to create a local project directory for each of these versions of Xcode.  
#2 AlbrechtS
05:42 Nov 21, 2014
It is unlikely that this will happen unless there are compatibility issues with the existing IDE files.

ISTR that the Xcode 4 IDE files can be used with Xcode 3 w/o issues (so they are backwards compatible), and they can probably also be used with Xcode 5 and 6. However I'm not sure about this.

Did you try using the provided Xcode 4 files with your Xcode 5 and/or Xcode 6 installation? If you had issues, please post the problems here.

Other than that, there is a chance that you can create Xcode 5/6 IDE files with CMake, but CMake support is currently in beta (experimental) state and not (yet) recommended for production code.
#3 RandomDSdevel
13:34 Nov 26, 2014
You're right; the Xcode template that you provide does open in Xcode versions greater than 4.x, but Xcode keeps spewing out messages about the project file (I think it was something along the lines of a dialog box asking if I'd like to run 'Combine High-Resolution Artwork' on all of the project's image files since Apple seems to recommend doing that in more-recent versions of Xcode.)  
#4 manolo
03:04 Apr 25, 2015
No problem in using the Xcode FLTK project with versions 4,
5 and 6 of Xcode.

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