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STR #3069

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STR #3069

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:Fixed two memory leaks in Fl_x.cxx
Created By:normvcr
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:1.3.3 (SVN: v10323)
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Trouble Report Files:

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#1 normvcr
15:53 Apr 16, 2014
#2 AlbrechtS
14:53 Sep 18, 2014

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 normvcr
15:53 Apr 16, 2014
Platform: Fedora 19 x86.
Fixed two memory leaks:

<   int missing_count;
>   int missing_count = 0;
>   if( 0 < missing_count ) XFreeStringList( missing_list );


>       //Do the free even if nitems=0
>       XFree( words );
#2 AlbrechtS
14:53 Sep 18, 2014
Thanks for the patch. I changed your code slightly and upload it with this post as str_3069.patch against svn r 10321.

The 2nd part of your patch is already fixed in svn. Our current code is:

        if ( words ) { XFree(words); words = 0; }

(words is initialized to 0 before calling get_xwinprop()). This should be correct and avoids freeing a null pointer.

I'm not an X11 expert, and I have a question to part 1:

I can see your point, and so I added this code after initializing missing_list with 0:

  // if (missing_count > 0) XFreeStringList(missing_list);
  if (missing_list) XFreeStringList(missing_list);

I commented out your code and used 'if (missing_list)' as the condition. Again, this should avoid freeing a null pointer.

But the question is: why use 'XFreeStringList()' to free the list? I did not even see a mention that the list should be free'd, although this sounds sensible. I checked this man page:

Is this per convention, or where can I verify that this is the correct way to free the list?
#3 AlbrechtS
09:39 Sep 19, 2014
With a little (offline) help from Norman (the OP) I found the docs. Thanks, Norman.

After a little more research I found in:


"The returned XFontSet and missing charset list should be freed with XFreeFontSet and XFreeStringList, respectively. ..."
#4 AlbrechtS
09:41 Sep 19, 2014
Fixed in Subversion repository.

Thanks for the patch.

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