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STR #3068

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STR #3068

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Unicode support
Summary:xutf8/case.c:76: possible typo ?
Created By:dcb
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:1.3.3
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#1 dcb
03:01 Apr 15, 2014
Static analyser cppcheck says many things, including

 [xutf8/case.c:76] -> [xutf8/case.c:77]: (warning) Opposite conditions in nested 'if' blocks lead to a dead code block.

Source code is

  if (ucs <= 0x33CE) {
    if (ucs >= 0x33CE) {
      ret = ucs_table_33CE[ucs - 0x33CE];
      if (ret > 0) return ret;
    return ucs;

Suggest code rework.
#2 AlbrechtS
13:39 Sep 18, 2014
I'd say cppcheck is wrong - almost. ;-)

Formally it is right, and the result is probably what a static code analyzer should do. However, there is no dead code "block" except the single statement

  return ret;


The code is built as for all other tables, but ucs_table_33CE[] has only one member (for ucs == 0x33CE); ret will always be 0, and the above statement can't be reached. Hence this entire block could be written as:

  if (ucs == 0x33CE) return ucs;

However, this analysis depends on an external header file (case.h) where the table is defined, and this could potentially be changed (return non-zero).

So this won't be "fixed" in the code - but thanks anyway, this was an interesting exercise.

If I missed something, please correct me - otherwise this STR will be closed soon.

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