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STR #2913

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STR #2913

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:X11: XKeycodeToKeysym() is deprecated
Created By:szukw000
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:1.3.3 (SVN: v10359)
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Trouble Report Files:

Name/Time/Date Filename/Size  
#1 szukw000
13:52 Dec 29, 2012
#2 AlbrechtS
15:31 Sep 28, 2014
#3 AlbrechtS
16:38 Sep 30, 2014

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 szukw000
13:52 Dec 29, 2012
The 'XKeycodeToKeysym' is deprecated and should no longer be used.

#2 AlbrechtS
15:00 Sep 28, 2014
Renamed STR (was: "Patch for fltk-1.3.x-r9780").
Reduced priority to 2 (low), because there are only a few compiler warnings.
#3 AlbrechtS
15:06 Sep 28, 2014
Thanks for the patch. I'd really like to include this patch ASAP. I see that configure and CMake changes are included, this looks good. I didn't test yet, though.

We need the XKB extension for the replacement call to work, and this is tested at configure time. Okay, so far.

Does anybody know whether we should also test if the server supports the extension? I'm not an X11 expert, but I know that I've seen such tests for other extensions already. Otherwise we would have the risk that we could get errors at runtime.

If we should, does anybody know how?
#4 AlbrechtS
15:31 Sep 28, 2014
Updated patch to match current svn (r 10344). Nothing tested yet.
See XKeycodeToKeysym.patch.
#5 manolo
07:02 Sep 30, 2014
This gives detailed info about how to test for the XKB extension:

It would give something like this:

KeySym (*_KeycodeToKeysym)(Display*, KeyCode, unsigned, unsigned);

extern "C" {

static KeySym KeycodeToKeysym4(Display *d, KeyCode k, unsigned i, unsigned l) {
  return XKeycodeToKeysym(d, k, i);


+#ifdef HAVE_X11_XKBLIB_H
+#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
int libmajor = XkbMajorVersion, libminor = XkbMinorVersion;
int kb_ext_code, kb_err_code;
Bool doit = XkbLibraryVersion(&libmajor, &libminor);
if (doit) doit = XkbQueryExtension(fl_display, &kb_ext_code, &kb_err_code, &libmajor, &libminor);
if (doit) _KeycodeToKeysym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym;
else _KeycodeToKeysym = KeycodeToKeysym4;
_KeycodeToKeysym = KeycodeToKeysym4;

and then call
  _KeycodeToKeysym(fl_display, keycode, 0, 0)
in the FLTK code
#6 AlbrechtS
09:19 Sep 30, 2014
Manolo, thanks for the info. I see you're proposing to use a function pointer - that should work. The shown initialization code would have to be called somewhere, and for not repeating this we need an additional static variable.

So how about this instead (w/o function pointer, but using your code internally):

+#ifdef HAVE_X11_XKBLIB_H

+#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
static int use_xkblib = -1;

static KeySym fl_KeycodeToKeysym(Display *d, KeyCode k, unsigned i, unsigned l) {
  if (use_xkblib < 0) { // this is done only once
    use_xkblib = 0;
    int libmajor = XkbMajorVersion, libminor = XkbMinorVersion;
    int kb_ext_code, kb_err_code;
    bool doit = XkbLibraryVersion(&libmajor, &libminor);
    if (doit) doit = XkbQueryExtension(fl_display, &kb_ext_code, &kb_err_code, &libmajor, &libminor);
    if (doit) use_xkblib = 1;
  if (use_xkblib > 0) return XkbKeycodeToKeysym(d, k, i, l);
  return XKeycodeToKeysym(d, k, i);


static KeySym fl_KeycodeToKeysym(Display *d, KeyCode k, unsigned i, unsigned l) {
  return XKeycodeToKeysym(d, k, i);

and then calling fl_KeycodeToKeysym(...) everywhere.

Just in case there are compilers that don't like unused function arguments, we could combine this with a macro as proposed by the OP to use only 3 arguments if HAVE_X11_XKBLIB_H is not defined.

Or something similar...
#7 manolo
10:20 Sep 30, 2014
Another strategy, that removes the last deprecation warning and avoids
altogether the necessity to define HAVE_X11_XKBLIB_H :

static int use_xkblib = -1;

static KeySym fl_KeycodeToKeysym(Display *d, KeyCode k, unsigned i, unsigned l) {
  typedef KeySym (*XkbKeycodeToKeysym_type)(Display *d, KeyCode k, unsigned i, unsigned l);
  typedef KeySym (*XKeycodeToKeysym_type)(Display *d, KeyCode k, unsigned i);
  static XkbKeycodeToKeysym_type XkbKeycodeToKeysym;
  static XKeycodeToKeysym_type XKeycodeToKeysym;
  if (use_xkblib < 0) { // this is done only once
    use_xkblib = 0;
    int kb_ext_code, kb_event_code, kb_err_code;
    int libmajor = 1, libminor = 0;
    typedef Bool (*XkbQueryExtension_type)(Display *, int*,int*,int*,int*,int*);
    void *handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY); // search symbols in executable
    XkbQueryExtension_type XkbQueryExtension_f = (XkbQueryExtension_type)dlsym(handle, "XkbQueryExtension");
    XkbKeycodeToKeysym = (XkbKeycodeToKeysym_type)dlsym(handle, "XkbKeycodeToKeysym");
    // make sure that the X server has the XKB extension
    if ( !( XkbQueryExtension_f && XkbKeycodeToKeysym &&
           XkbQueryExtension_f(fl_display, &kb_ext_code, &kb_event_code, &kb_err_code, &libmajor, &libminor) ) ) XkbKeycodeToKeysym = NULL;
    if (XkbKeycodeToKeysym) use_xkblib = 1;
    else XKeycodeToKeysym = (XKeycodeToKeysym_type)dlsym(handle, "XKeycodeToKeysym");
  if (use_xkblib > 0) return XkbKeycodeToKeysym(d, k, i, l);
  return XKeycodeToKeysym(d, k, i);

This is presently used to test for the SHAPE extension
#8 AlbrechtS
16:38 Sep 30, 2014

One drawback is that this dlsym(...) way doesn't use _any_ header files for the functions in Question, so that we depend on _knowing_ the correct function signature(s). But it's a way to remove all deprecation warnings and use the Xkb extension if available. Looks pretty complicated, but works.

See attached test program xkb.cxx:

Compile and run like this example to see only the dlsym() method (comment #7 from Manolo):
$ g++ -o xkb  xkb.cxx -lX11 -ldl && ./xkb 12
[ 1] fl_display = 0x1e1a010

---- Calling fl_KeycodeToKeysymB ----
[46] XkbKeycodeToKeysym = 0x7ff6a341a900
[47] XKeycodeToKeysym   = 0x7ff6a341aab0
[12] KeySym ks = 51

Program argument is a KeyCode, I used 12 as an example. Result (KeySym) is 51. I don't know if this is correct, but all tests show the same result, which looks good.

The 2nd way to test is so that my version (#6) is tested, but this is much noisier (test outputs), and the compiler gives the deprecated warning(s):

$ g++ -o xkb -DHAVE_XKB xkb.cxx -lX11 -ldl && ./xkb 12
xkb.cxx: In function 'KeySym fl_KeycodeToKeysymA(Display*, KeyCode, unsigned int, unsigned int)':
xkb.cxx:35:8: warning: 'KeySym XKeycodeToKeysym(Display*, KeyCode, int)' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h:1699) [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   ks = XKeycodeToKeysym(d, k, i);
xkb.cxx:35:32: warning: 'KeySym XKeycodeToKeysym(Display*, KeyCode, int)' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h:1699) [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   ks = XKeycodeToKeysym(d, k, i);
[ 1] fl_display = 0x1a60010

---- Calling fl_KeycodeToKeysymA ----
[ 2] libmajor, libminor = 1,0
[ 3] XkbLibraryVersion(&libmajor, &libminor) = 1
[ 4] libmajor, libminor = 1,0
[ 5] XkbQueryExtension(...) = 1
[ 6] libmajor, libminor = 1,0
[ 7] KeySym = 51
[ 8] KeySym = 51
[11] KeySym ks = 51

---- Calling fl_KeycodeToKeysymB ----
[46] XkbKeycodeToKeysym = 0x7f46e9fdc900
[47] XKeycodeToKeysym   = 0x7f46e9fdcab0
[12] KeySym ks = 51

Again, the result is always 51.

So, both ways seem to work well.
#9 AlbrechtS
16:50 Sep 30, 2014
So, what's the conclusion?

The real (and only) problem is that XKeycodeToKeysym() is deprecated, but we can't avoid using it because we need backwards compatibility. Otherwise we could just use the new function XkbKeycodeToKeysym().

Maybe the best solution would be a compromise: use the configure test for XkbKeycodeToKeysym() and do all tests for the server's XKB extension as suggested, and only in the fallback case (XKB extension not configured OR not available on the server) we would load the old, deprecated XKeycodeToKeysym() function with dlsym().

The advantage would be that we use the proper header files for the new function(s), but can still use XKeycodeToKeysym() as fallback w/o compiler warnings.

Future development would then require the Xkb extension and just drop the fallback code.

Does that sound sensible?
#10 michaelbaeuerle
02:13 Oct 01, 2014
Note to dlopen():
Not all Unix systems have provided this API in the past. An example are 32bit HP-UX systems that use shl_load() for this purpose:

So if backward compatibility is a concern, the new code should use dlopen() - that became part of POSIX not before 2008 - and the compatibility code should not.
#11 AlbrechtS
05:02 Oct 01, 2014
Bummer! Catch-22 :-(
Thanks for your interesting comment.

We want backwards compatibility w/o the "deprecated" warnings, but if we try we get other compatibility issues. We could make it even more complicated by testing HAVE_DLFCN_H and/or HAVE_DLSYM (tests are in configure).

Looks like we should live with at least one warning, if we want backwards compatibility. Otherwise we'd have to rely on the Xkb extension to be available on the client and server if we detect it at build time and compile and link with it.

Maybe the best way is to restructure the code as discussed, so that we get only one warning, but live with it, until we decide to remove the compatibility code.
#12 manolo
10:05 Oct 04, 2014
Agreed with Albrecht's last proposal.  
#13 AlbrechtS
10:03 Oct 05, 2014
Fixed in Subversion repository.

In svn r10359 I added the internal function fl_KeycodeToKeysym() and used it instead of XKeycodeToKeysym() to reduce compiler warnings.

Unfortunately g++ 4.8.2 issues two similar warnings for each usage.

I consider this STR resolved, since we can't do better w/o making everything more complicated. I added a comment in the source code that references this STR, so that a future implementation can find this information.

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