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STR #2873

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STR #2873

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Image Support
Summary:Fl_JPEG_Image: when file not found, d() returns 3 instead of 0
Created By:greg.ercolano
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.3.4 (SVN: v10732)
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#1 greg.ercolano
06:08 Sep 20, 2012

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 greg.ercolano
06:08 Sep 20, 2012
The docs for the Fl_JPEG_Image ctor says:

    > There is no error function in this class.
    > If the image has loaded correctly,
    > w(), h(), and d() should return values greater zero.  <--

However, I just did a test using the attached (foo.cxx);
if the jpg file doesn't exist, d() should return zero but it does not.
(in my test, it returns 3)

Logging this as a bug, since it disagrees with the docs.

FWIW, testing w() & h() for zero works.

Suggest that if the file can't be opened, the code explicitly
sets w()/h()/d() to zero to comply with the docs, and not rely
on the subclass ctors to zero these out.

Also suggest testing other image types (PNG, BMP, etc)
#2 AlbrechtS
08:31 Oct 19, 2012
Hmm, I believe this is not a bug.

As you cited from the docs, "If the image has loaded correctly, w(), h(), and d() should return values greater zero", this doesn't mean that ALL values must be zero if it failed.

The correct negation of this condition is: "If the image has NOT loaded correctly, AT LEAST ONE OF w(), h(), and d() should return a value (less than or) equal (to) zero".

Maybe it would be better to document the latter case, or even only that the image has not loaded correctly, if either w() or h() are zero, which means in fact a zero size image - d() wouldn't be relevant, anyway.

Close STR, update docs accordingly?
Greg, or anybody else?
#3 greg.ercolano
09:09 Oct 19, 2012
OK: assigning this to myself and will solve in docs.

A small bit of example code should remove any ambiguity:

    if ( img->w() <= 0 ||
         img->h() <= 0 ||
         img->d() <= 0 ) { ..an error occurred.. }

I think I'll avoid the specifics of error handling (eg. using
strerror()/perror() to access file system errors) because the
failure might be caused by a non-operating system issue (e.g.
bad values in the image header) where any value of errno
would be misleading.
#4 greg.ercolano
18:08 Oct 19, 2012
It looks like /only/ Fl_JPEG_Image documents this behavior;
the others (Fl_BMP_Image, Fl_Shared_Image, etc) don't.

I'm going to try to check their behaviors empirically to see
if they behave similarly and document it, so that if they /don't/
behave that way, it'll be listed as a bug.

I'm assuming it's correct to have the docs assume all the Fl_XXX_Image
classes should handle errors the same way; if all of x/y/d are <= 0
then an error occurred.
#5 AlbrechtS
02:33 Oct 20, 2012
I assume the last sentence has some typos:

"all of x/y/d are <= 0" should read

"any of w/h/d is/are <= 0" ?

.. or similar.

And to the question: yes, I think they should all behave the same, since they can all be loaded by Fl_Shared_Image transparently (i.e. independent of the particular image type).
#6 ianmacarthur
16:10 Mar 11, 2014
Status on this?  
#7 greg.ercolano
16:35 Mar 11, 2014
Never got around to testing the different image formats for
file not found/permission error conditions to see the results
of w/h/d.

I really wish we had something like a 'fail()' method test,
like 'if ( image.fail() )' so apps don't have to check w/h/d,
and a clear way of passing back OS errors (vs. non-OS errors)
#8 matt
16:44 May 23, 2015
new function Fl_Image::fail() that returns 0, ERR_NO_IMAGE, ERR_FORMAT, or ERR_FILE_ACCESS to make life easier when loading images.

Implemented for all image formats. Should be ABI compatible by re-using ld_ to store an error code.
#9 greg.ercolano
10:22 May 24, 2015
Thanks Matt!
Made a small mod as r10733 to fix build errors under Linux..
#10 greg.ercolano
10:26 May 24, 2015
Changing the fix# from 10733 -> 10732, which is matt's actual fix release.
Not sure how it was set to 10733 -- wasn't me, even though I made a small
fix in 10733.
#11 matt
11:08 May 24, 2015
I was foreseeing that you would fix my code, so I chose a higher number (10733). Actually, Xcode had shown me the current number *after* the commit, but I thought it was still the number before the commit.

#12 greg.ercolano
11:57 May 24, 2015
Cool -- didn't know Xcode had hooks into SVN.

I'm interested in your fix because I intend to use it
in all my apps; always wanted this fail() check..!

BTW, I added a code example to fail() in r10734;
you might want to check it. Wanted to show proper use
to app programmers. Feel free to apply changes.
(I also moved the docs for fail() from .H -> .cxx so that
the docs are near the code implementation)

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