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STR #2753

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STR #2753

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Capture enter as click on button with focus
Created By:dfatfl
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 dfatfl
01:31 Oct 29, 2011

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#1 dfatfl
01:31 Oct 29, 2011
Option to enable a button to capture enter keys as a button click when it has input focus.  This ensures that any other widget with a Fl_Enter type shortcut does not get clicked instead.  Consistant with the way Windows works.  
#2 AlbrechtS
03:24 Feb 07, 2019
Bumped to 1.4-feature.

I don't see that the new member variable flags_ex_ gets initialized anywhere (should be in the constructor). Maybe because this patch depends on another one?

The API is not FLTK style. We should stay compatible with the FLTK way which would be something like:

  void click_on_enter_key(int); // set (1) or clear (0) an option/flag
  int click_on_enter_key();     // query an option/flag

Maybe fire_on_enter_key() would be a better choice?

Generally I believe that this feature request could be accepted as a single patch. I don't know which flags variable should be chosen (flags_ex_ doesn't seem to be a good choice, but this can be changed easily).

Note: this STR has been superseded by STR 3485 (cumulative patch). Beware: I did not compare the contents of both patches.

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