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STR #235

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STR #235

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Fl_Value_Slider display glitch (+fix)
Created By:tgeijten.hotmail
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:1.1.5rc1
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#1 tgeijten.hotmail
07:24 Dec 11, 2003
Something that's been bothering me for some time: the two boxes of the Fl_Value_Slider are not correctly aligned. The Fl_Slider box is always drawn in full width or height, disregarding the size of the value box. The problem is in Fl_Slider::draw_bg():

void Fl_Slider::draw_bg(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
if (!(damage()&FL_DAMAGE_ALL)) { // not a complete redraw
    fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H);
  } else {

In this function, the check for DAMAGE_ALL is redundant (as this is already handled in draw()), yet it causes the ill-sized slider-box to be drawn on top of the correctly sized slider-box in Fl_Value_Slider::draw(). Changing the code to the following fixes this, while drawing of other sliders remains intact:

void Fl_Slider::draw_bg(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
    fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H);
#2 mike
07:39 Dec 11, 2003
Thanks, will verify and apply.  
#3 mike
21:18 Mar 10, 2004
Fixed in CVS for 1.1.5.  

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