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STR #2239

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STR #2239

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:with --disable-gl, glut/glpuzzle.cxx tries to build anyway and fails
Created By:greg.ercolano
Assigned To:bgbnbigben
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 greg.ercolano
11:43 Aug 15, 2009
Macro B. reports that when he configured FLTK2 with gl disabled, build would fail during the build of glut/glpuzzle.cxx. He used:

./configure --prefix=/opt/FLTK2.0 --disable-gl --with-optim=-Os --x-libraries=/usr/lib --x-includes=/usr/include

..and got:
>> Linking glpuzzle...
>> glpuzzle.o: In function `Reshape(int, int)':
>> glpuzzle.cxx:(.text+0x632): undefined reference to `glViewport'
>> glpuzzle.o: In function `changeState()':
>> glpuzzle.cxx:(.text+0x67e): undefined reference to `glutIdleFunc(void (*)())'
>> glpuzzle.o: In function `computeCoords(int, int, int, float*, float*)':

I can confirm this problem with the latest SVN.
Before I updated to latest SVN, I could not get this to happen,
so it must be something introduced recently.

Apparently there are two glpuzzle.cxx's now:


The one in ./glut is missing the "#ifdef !HAVE_GL.." which
seems to be the problem.

But this might be on purpose, since the Makefile seems
to maybe be coded to want skip building the entire glut directory
if GL is disabled, but maybe due to a logic problem in the Makefile
it goes ahead and builds the glut dir anyway.

So the problem /might/ be in the Makefile.
#2 Darius007
05:58 Sep 02, 2011
I am compiling the fltk2 on Ubuntu and it fails on linking glpuzzle.

Linking glpuzzle...
glpuzzle.o: In function `Reshape(int, int)':
glpuzzle.cxx:(.text+0x881): undefined reference to `glViewport'
glpuzzle.o: In function `computeCoords(int, int, int, float*, float*)':
glpuzzle.cxx:(.text+0x1081): undefined reference to `glGetFloatv'
glpuzzle.cxx:(.text+0x108e): undefined reference to `glGetFloatv'
glpuzzle.o: In function `reset()':
glpuzzle.cxx:(.text+0x130f): undefined reference to `glutChangeToMenuEntry(int, char const*, int)'

I have freeglut3, glutg3, nvidia-glx-173, libgl1-mesa-glx, libglu1-mesa, libglut3 installed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

#3 bgbnbigben
16:19 Sep 04, 2011
Wow, I hadn't even seen this STR.

Greg, does this still happen? I wouldn't be surprised, but if it does it's an easy fix.

Darius, it looks like you're missing the -dev versions of the libraries; you'll most likely need these too. Assuming you have and are intending to build with openGL, you'll need the development versions of these librarie (i.e. libglut3-dev, freeglut3-dev, etc)
#4 greg.ercolano
09:23 Sep 06, 2011
@Ben: yes, just tested with 2.0 r8800 (current tar snapshot),
got the same errors. In my case I'm using centos 5.5, and used:
make distclean; ./configure --disable-gl --with-optim=-Os; make

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