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STR #2207

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STR #2207

Application:FLTK Library
Duplicate Of:STR #2366
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:4 - High, e.g. key functionality not working
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:Shortcut keys with Ctrl key break when Caps Lock on
Created By:markcw
Assigned To:greg.ercolano
Fix Version:1.3.0 (SVN: v7862)
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#1 greg.ercolano
16:20 Aug 18, 2009

Trouble Report Comments:

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#1 markcw
18:25 Jun 22, 2009
This is a report on behalf of SebHoll who has trouble signing up.

Shortcut keys which use the Ctrl key (left or right) stop responding when Caps Lock is on. This doesn't happen with Alt, Sys or Shift keys for some reason. It only happens on Linux (probably due to its case-sensitive nature), it has been tested in Windows and ubuntu.
For a quick example run test/editor and try the menu shortcuts.
#2 SebHoll
06:30 Aug 17, 2009
* Bump *

Anyone else able to verify this behaviour?
#3 alvin
06:58 Aug 18, 2009
Yes, I can confirm this. My quick testing seems to indicate that NumLock do not have an effect. The shortcut doesn't work only when CapsLock is on.

Is this what you are seeing too?

My system:
openSUSE 11.2
KDE 4.2.4
FLTK 1.3.0-r6841
#4 SebHoll
07:10 Aug 18, 2009
Yep, pretty much.  But also, I have a shortcut that is Ctrl+Shift+F, and this doesn't work with Caps-Lock off, so that implies it is definitely something to do with case...  
#5 greg.ercolano
16:30 Aug 18, 2009
Using the attached foo.cxx program which sets the shortcuts with:

    menu->add("Testing/Ctrl-Shift-F", "+^f", Callback);
    menu->add("Testing/Ctrl-F",       "^f",  Callback);
..I can confirm the following behavior on Ubuntu7 + FLTK1.3.x current:

    o Ctrl-Shift-F -- shortcut only works when capslock ON, not OFF
    o Ctrl-F       -- shortcut only works when capslock OFF, not ON

..in other words, completely opposite behaviors.

Note: if I make the 'f' in the shortcut setup to uppercase, eg:

    menu->add("Testing/Ctrl-Shift-F", "+^F", Callback);
    menu->add("Testing/Ctrl-F",       "^F",  Callback);

..when the CTRL_SHIFT-F works OK regardless of the state of capslock,
and Ctrl-F does NOT WORK AT ALL, regardless of the state of capslock.

I'd think the case of the 'F' used in setup shouldn't matter; the only thing that should affect case is if the Shift flag were specified or not.
#6 matt
01:37 Apr 05, 2010
Does anyone have Ubuntu installed and can try to fix this?  
#7 greg.ercolano
15:32 Jun 05, 2010
Please see the current activity in STR#2366 for a possible
one line fix for this (acr's reply and the "acr-fix.patch").
#8 greg.ercolano
10:06 Oct 31, 2010
I can confirm the one line patch in STR#2366 fixes this problem.
Making this STR a dupe of 2366 to link the two.
When 2366's patch is applied and closed, this one should be closed too.
#9 matt
13:18 Nov 16, 2010
STR #2366 is applied  

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