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STR #2074

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STR #2074

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:4 - High, e.g. key functionality not working
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:Input method ONLY works when mouse pointer move out of window in Linux
Created By:wh720
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 wh720
22:44 Oct 26, 2008
From website: http://www.gidforums.com/t-19587.html

I have used FLTK2 for some time, unicode text shows normal in Linux, but the following input method's problem in FLTK2 seems exist from the earliest FLTK2 version till now:

In Linux(X11), I compiled fltk2 library, and run the "editor" program in "test" directory of fltk2 source tree.

I found that I can ONLY input english words when mouse pointer is in main window range of the program, and input method can't been called out;
however, if I move mouse pointer out of main window or just move it to window's title bar(but NOT IN window), input method can successfully been called out, also unicode text is able to been inputed.

I tried almost all versions of fltk2, just run editor program, input method doesn't work in all of these versions when mouse pointer is out of window.

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