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STR #1860

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STR #1860

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Would like ability to specify software rendering for OpenGL contexts
Created By:d.zimmer
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:Will Not Fix
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#1 d.zimmer
19:14 Jan 18, 2008
I'm not sure what the current policy on enhancements to 1.1.-current is, but anyhow, here goes (I had to sneak this in as a low priority fix, not unjustifiable since current behaviour has undesirable side-effects).

I've found it extremely useful to add the ability to dynamically switch to software rendering from within applications, to get around buggy OpenGL implementations.  On win32 at least, this also allows me to ensure that I get a 32-bit depth buffer, instead of 16-bit hardware-accelerated, which does happen.

The current FLTK code will choose hardware over software on win32, and will always request a direct rendering context for Unix.

The following changes, allow me to specify that I will only accept indirect/software contexts.  It has only been compiled and tested on win32, but I think the Unix code is ok.



enumerations.h // add FL_INDIRECT enumeration

  enum Fl_Mode { // visual types and Fl_Gl_Window::mode() (values match Glut)
    FL_INDIRECT = 1024   // Indirect rendering context, or generic implementation on win32

gl_start.cxx // modify unix call to fl_create_gl_context()

    context = fl_create_gl_context(fl_visual, gl_choice);

Fl_Gl_Choice.H // modify unix block for fl_create_gl_context()

GLContext fl_create_gl_context(XVisualInfo* vis, const Fl_Gl_Choice* g);

static inline
GLContext fl_create_gl_context(Fl_Window*, const Fl_Gl_Choice* g) {
  return fl_create_gl_context(g->vis, g);

Fl_Gl_Choice.cxx // modify win32 and unix blocks

  if ((m & FL_INDIRECT) && !(pfd.dwFlags & PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT)) continue;
  // see if better than the one we have already:

  #  else
  GLContext fl_create_gl_context(XVisualInfo* vis, const Fl_Gl_Choice* g) {
    GLContext shared_ctx = context_list ? context_list[0] : 0;
    Bool direct = (g)? !(g->mode & FL_INDIRECT) : True;
    GLContext context = glXCreateContext(fl_display, vis, shared_ctx, direct);
    if (context)
    return context;
  #  endif

Fl_Gl_Overlay.cxx // modify unix call to fl_create_gl_context()

  context(fl_create_gl_context(fl_overlay_visual, g), 1);

#2 matt
13:31 Jan 21, 2008
Sorry, no new features. I bumped this to 1.2  
#3 matt
01:36 Jan 20, 2023
AS we have reached the year 2023, OpenGL is probably one of the most mature libraries out of all libraries. It's so mature, that it is already being phased out again and replaced by Metal and others.

I see absolutely no advantage in overriding the OpenGL driver choice, so I will close this as "Will Not Fix".

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