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STR #1170

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STR #1170

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:1 - Specific to a machine/printer
Summary:FLTK windows, regardless of their type, are always treated as application windows (thus maximized) on Matchbox
Created By:arnaut
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 arnaut
09:48 Feb 08, 2006

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#1 arnaut
09:48 Feb 08, 2006
FLTK windows, regardless of their type, are always treated as application
windows (thus maximized) on Matchbox. This patch adds EWMH (Extended
Window Management Hints) support to FLTK. Also, EWMH gives applications
more control over how windows are managed on the screen.
#2 matt
07:04 Mar 27, 2006
Matchbox is not directly supported by the fltk maintainers. Please contact the Microwindows team.

Thanks a lot for the provided patch. Unfortunatly we can not accept it for fltk1, because it would break binary compatibility. Also, the 1.1 api is frozen at this point for the benfit of fltk2.

I will however reassign this STR to fltk 2, not as a fix, but as a reminder for developers that we want to support embedded devices.
#3 ydroneaud
05:20 Jun 26, 2008
This is not a problem related to MatchBox or embedded plateform.

The patch provided should be applied to comply with Freedesktop specifications.

See Extended Window Manager Hints, Version 1.3, Application Window Properties, _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE:


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