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Re: ~Fl_Window

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Re: ~Fl_Window Greg Ercolano May 03, 2006  
Anonymous wrote:
If you derive a class from Fl_Window are you supposed to do a hide() in the destructor??
I notice they did that in the editor program

	No, I think you're looking at the close_cb() function, which is not a destructor.

	The close_cb() is Fl_Window's callback, which lets you hook into when someone
	clicks the window manager's 'X' button in the title bar, so your program
	can do things like check to see if the editor isn't saved, so you can post
	a 'Quit without saving?' dialog to prevent closing the window.

	The default is for the callback to hide the window.

	The only destructor I see in the fltk/test/editor.cxx is for the EditWindow
	which delete's the search/replace dialog, which is a separate window.

"The destructor also deletes all the children. This allows a whole tree
to be deleted at once, without having to keep a pointer to all the children in the user code. "

So if you do a "new Fl_Button" in a Fl_Double_Window derived constructor
you don't have to do a delete for that button in the destructor??

	Yes; a "new Fl_Button" falls into that category of children
	that are automatically destructed by Fl_Window's built in destructor.

	You don't have to worry about destructing fltk widgets; their destructors
	are called automatically when their parent window's destructor is called.

	FLTK handles the destruction for you to ensure the children get destroyed
	in the proper order, which is important esp. when widget hierarchies are
	deep and complex. It does that work for you.

	When you create the "new Fl_Button" in your constructor, FLTK's internals
	automatically 'attach it' to the parent Fl_Window, keeping track of it
	for later destruction.

	It looks imbalanced to have a 'new Fl_Button' in your constructor
	and nothing in your destructor, but it's actually correct in the case
	of widgets added to windows, due to how FLTK manages the house keeping for you
	on close.

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