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RE: [fltk.general] line number in fluid's source view

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RE: line number in fluid's source view "MacArthur, Ian \(SELEX\) \(UK\)" May 02, 2006  
> The above would be a nice feature for fluid to better follow up with 
> compiler output.

Maybe so - but if it were possible, I wonder how we might make a system so that a user can get from a compiler error, back to a specific entity in fluid... 
E.g. if the compiler throws an error saying "some obscure error at line 234 in file foo.cxx", can we add preprocessor directives, or etc., so that the error message would state which actual widget the error occured in.

How portable is the "#line" directive? 
I'm thinking that the fluid generated code be peppered with #line directives at the start or each entity (for some value of entity...) like this

#line 228 "get_method : some_widget : foo.cxx"

Then when the error happens, the compiler says:

	some obscure error at line 234 in file get_method : some_widget : foo.cxx

Or something...
But probably not.


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