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Re: [fltk.general] fluid question

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Re: fluid question Greg Ercolano May 01, 2006  
Gaurav Saxena wrote:
So I tried Greg's tutorial, and I have run into another 'sort of' a I'm making a UI in linux because of another api, and tried the same steps. I observed that when the shell command window is launched, and I run the program (I use ./test; ./main where test is:

[gsaxena@caladan project]$ more test
gnome-terminal -x make
sleep 5
#if make; then
# echo "Done";
# sleep 5;

	Hmm, try just setting the fluid shell command to:

sh -c '( if make test; then ./test; fi) 2>&1'

	That should work. You should be able to see all output
	in fluid's own terminal window.

	If you really want it to run in a gnome-terminal (why? just curious)
	then you can still make it a "one liner" fluid shell command:

gnome-terminal -x sh -c '(if make; then ./test; fi; cat) 2>&1'

Greg, I couldn't find the advanced tutorial for classes in fluid. I couldn't find it on seriss either. Could you let me know the link for it?

	It ain't done yet.

	It's been scheduled for the 'not too distant future' for a few years now.. ;)
	I just haven't had any free time to do it.

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