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Re: [fltk.general] fluid question

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Re: fluid question Gaurav Saxena Apr 27, 2006  
Hi Matthias,
When I followed your instructions, I could type into the 'show source code' window, but I couldn't save my changes. I just tried to add a comment, closed the window and did a CTRL-S. Can we make changes directly into the source code window ?

matthiasm wrote:

On Apr 28, 2006, at 12:44 AM, Gaurav Saxena wrote:

Im using fluid for developing my gui front end since I like the results. However, I don't know if I can insert my code into the fluid dialog boxes.

In the third Tab of the Widget dialog, you will find a text field called "Callback:". You can use that field to enter any code you like, not just the name of a callback function. The variable 'o' is a pointer to the widget, 'v' is the userdata field from below.

To see what the code will actually look like, open the code view window (Edit->Show Source Code), disable the "Auto-Position" and scroll up. You will eventually find the code that you enter in the Callback: field.

If the input area is too small, simply resize the whole widget dialog. You'll see that the Callback field is the one that stretches.



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