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fluid question Gaurav Saxena Apr 27, 2006  
  Im using fluid for developing my gui front end since I like the results. However, I don't know if I can insert my code into the fluid dialog boxes. What i'm trying to do is the following:

User interface talks to an intermediate relay process,
which in turn is responsible to communicate with nodes in a cluster.

So what I have right now is just a user-interface. But to connect it with my regular code, I need to know how I can begin using the library I've written so the relay process can fetch the messages from the UI and send them to the cluster's nodes.

I'm pretty sure there has to be a way to do so, but I think the CubeView demo in fltk addresses OpenGL widgets, where as I want to insert my own code into the callbacks etc.

any help will be greatly appreciated. Thankyou,

Gaurav Saxena

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