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Re: [fltk/fltk] macOS regression with glwindow, glsubwindow and tile. (Issue #968)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] macOS regression with glwindow, glsubwindow and tile. (Issue #968) ManoloFLTK 08:27 May 08  

@ggarra13 The problem is in your calculations to position and size your toplevel window in the screen that are plain wrong. Use this modified code for your function cb_Resize() and you'll see that the bug disappears. You'll see also that the window is correctly positioned both when the dock is at bottom or at left (or right) of the display.

Your errors are mainly to forget that
Fl::screen_work_area(minx, miny, maxW, maxH, screen);
compute two positions (minx and miny) and two sizes (maxW, maxH), and to compare positions to sizes.

static void cb_Resize(Fl_Widget* o, void* d)
    std::cerr << "resize called" << std::endl;
    RenderSize renderSize;
  renderSize.w =  1950; // big values for big and also for small screens
  renderSize.h = 900;
    Fl_Double_Window* mw = uiMain;
    int screen = mw->screen_num();
    //float scale = Fl::screen_scale(screen);

    int W = renderSize.w;
    int H = renderSize.h;

    int minx, miny, maxW, maxH, posX, posY;
    Fl::screen_work_area(minx, miny, maxW, maxH, screen);

    posX = mw->x();
    posY = mw->y();

    int decW = mw->decorated_w();
    int decH = mw->decorated_h();

    int dW = decW - mw->w();
    int dH = decH - mw->h();

    maxW -= dW;
    //maxH -= dH;
    posX += dW / 2;
#ifdef _WIN32
    miny += dH - dW / 2;

    // Take into account the different UI bars
    if (uiMenuGroup->visible())
        H += uiMenuGroup->h();

    if (uiTopBar->visible())
        H += uiTopBar->h();

    if (uiPixelBar->visible())
        H += uiPixelBar->h();

    if (uiBottomBar->visible())
        H += uiBottomBar->h();

    if (uiStatusGroup->visible())
        H += uiStatusGroup->h();

    if (uiToolsGroup->visible())
        W += uiToolsGroup->w();

    if (uiDockGroup->visible())
        W += uiDockGroup->w();

    //maxW = (int)(maxW / scale); // bad: maxW accounts for scale already
    if (W < 690)
        W = 690;
    /*else if (W > maxW) // bad: done in final sanity checks
        W = maxW;

    //maxH = (int)(maxH / scale); // bad: maxH accounts for scale already
    if (H < 602)
        H = 602;
    /*else if (H > maxH) // bad: done in final sanity checks
        H = maxH;

    if (uiBottomBar->visible())
        H += uiBottomBar->h();

    // Final sanity checks.
    /*if (W > maxW)
        W = maxW;
    if (H > maxH)
        H = maxH;*/

    /*if (posX + W > maxW) // bad: left of > is a position, right of > is a size!
        posX = minx;*/
  if (posX + W > minx+maxW) {
    posX = minx;
    W = minx+maxW - posX;
    /*if (posY + H > maxH) // bad: left of > is a position, right of > is a size!
        posY = miny;*/
  if (posY + H > miny+maxH) {
    posY = miny + dH;
    H = miny+maxH - posY;

  std::cerr << "mw resize=" << posX << ", " << posY
              << " " << W << "x" << H << std::endl;
    mw->resize(posX, posY, W, H);

    std::cerr << "1 uiView->y()=" << uiView->y() << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "2 uiView->y()=" << uiView->y() << std::endl;

    // Set_mode_cb();

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