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OpenGL colors looks awful after program was tranferred to the FLTK

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OpenGL colors looks awful after program was tranferred to the FLTK RedAndr Mar 28, 2006  
My program was written originaly for the Windows OpenGL. Recently I decided to create the cross-platform product and choose FLTK as a interface for this. However, when I put my code into the FLTK program the generated pictures looks like exposed and bloored photographies. The colors are complitely different. You can see an example here:
The right picture is the original and left one is by FLTK. I checked the code very carefully many times, all parameters, lights, matherials, etc are the same. I suppose something in the FLTK OpenGL is different, maybe initialization, but I did not find out what exactly. Can somebody help me to understand what I did wrong? Thanks!

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